Plans to ban pupils from carrying phones during school hours have sparked a debate among Northern Echo readers with some claiming that phones should 'never have been allowed' in the first place.

Earlier in September politicians in Ireland and Scotland discussed guidance to restrict pupils' access to mobile phones while they are at school.

It comes after a school on Teesside became one of the first in the country to ban pupils from using phones to help their 'ability to learn'.

Mark Anth, a school teacher, expressed: "Yes, I'm totally for it, especially during lessons.

"They should be locked up somewhere outside the classroom and only available at break."

This sentiment is mirrored by both Andrew Brown and Alan Dick who said that pupils should use school phones for emergencies.

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Lynn Davidson suggested a middle-ground approach: "Just tell them to put them on silent and in their bags while in lessons."

Annazee An and Leigh Savage put safety first. They believe children should be allowed to keep their phones on them for emergencies, despite being switched off during school times.

Nonetheless, some readers didn't hold back in their support for a complete ban.

Vanessa Telfer opined, "Definitely should never have been allowed in the first place!"

Richard Machin and Paul Dalton similarly agreed on this note.

A few readers considered the impact of such a ban on parent-child communication.

Sam Bradburn notes: "My daughter messages me during the day.

"She will tell me she needs money on her dinner app or even when she is sad or upset."

Ernie Engleby suggested a feasible approach: "Absolutely, yes. Hand in at registration, collect at home time."

Steve Howden echoed this sentiment, advocating for the safe storage of the device during lessons: "I'll always feel 100 percent safer knowing my daughter has it on her."