A banned driver who took police on a high-speed chase when he refused to pull over has been jailed after he crashed into railings.

Keaton Harbron sped off from police when he was spotted driving around a day after other officers had tried to stop him when they recognised him behind the wheel.

The 24-year-old reached speeds in excess of 90 mph during the seven-minute-long chase around the streets of Middlesbrough and Stockton.

Teesside Crown Court heard how Habron was already banned from driving when he weaved in and out of traffic, drove the wrong way around a roundabout and raced through traffic lights on red.

Jonathan Gittins, prosecuting, said Harbron was spotted on Ormesby Road in Middlesbrough before heading towards the A66 and reached speeds in excess of 90mph on the westbound carriageway.

The court heard how the driver continued towards the Tees Barrage and into Stockton town centre before losing control of the white Vauxhall Insignia on The Black Path and smashing into railings.

“The defendant was searched and two small grip seal bags containing cannabis were found,” he said.

“A roadside wipe showed that he had cannabis in his system but when he was asked to give a specimen at the police station he refused.”

Mr Gittins said the defendant had previous convictions for dangerous driving and driving over the specified limit for drugs.

Keaton HarbronKeaton Harbron (Image: Cleveland Police)

Harbron, of Whitby Close, Skelton, east Cleveland, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, failing to provide a specimen, two charges of driving whilst disqualified, driving without insurance and possession of cannabis, following his arrest on August 13.

Paul Green, mitigating, said his client had pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity and urged the judge to pass as low a sentence as he was able to do.

Judge Francis Laird KC jailed Harbron was jailed for a total of 16 months for all offences.

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He said: “You travelled for approximately seven minutes at high-speed, weaving in and out of traffic.

“You travelled the wrong way around a roundabout and eventually your car collided with railings on The Black Path in Stockton.

“As you were trying to get out of your car to run away the police apprehended you.”

Harbron was also banned from driving to three years and eight months.