Plans to convert a County Durham farmhouse into seven residential homes have been lodged with the council.

The proposal, concerning Edder Acres Farm in Shotton, aims to transform a cluster of old farm buildings into new homes while retaining the existing farmhouse.

As part of the development, two modern barns will be demolished, and several extensions will be added to the buildings.

The new residential area will feature 28 parking spaces, nine of which will be equipped with electric vehicle charging units.

The design of the project is focused on preserving the traditional stone structures of the farm, with plans for necessary repairs.

To enhance energy efficiency, solar panels and air-source heat pumps are to be installed.

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Each home will have its own garden, and the area will be equipped with new roads and footpaths.

Sustainability is a key aspect of the project, with proposals for rainwater harvesting and solar panels.

The official planning application confirms that the farm buildings, which have been unused since March 2023, will be transformed into eight residential units, including the existing farmhouse.

The total site area is one hectare and the project will not involve the use or storage of hazardous materials, and it will not increase flood risk.

A new parking arrangement will increase the number of spaces from eight to 28.

There is also a plan to slightly alter a public footpath that runs along the northern side of the site, but the right of way will be maintained.