Thousands of people in Darlington will require urgent support after the winter fuel payment was cut, a council has been warned. 

Local Conservative members criticised Labour for scrapping the Government’s winter fuel payment this week. 

People in England and Wales not in receipt of Pension Credit or other means-tested benefits will lose out under the Government’s changes to winter fuel payments.

It is expected to reduce the number of pensioners in receipt of the up to £300 payment by 10 million. Around 18,000 people in Darlington are believed to be affected. 

Conservative Leader councillor Jonathan Dulston questioned the council’s stance on Labour’s controversial decision earlier this week. 

He told a cabinet meeting: “Do you support the Government’s motion to remove this much-needed benefit from some of the most vulnerable pensioners in our communities? 

“What has the council been doing for the removal of this lifeline intervention because I am concerned that we are going to see an increase of vulnerable people at the Town Hall front doors needing support.”

Labour insists the measure is necessary in order to fill a “£22 billion black hole” in the public finances which they say was left behind by their Tory predecessors.

Meanwhile, Council Leader Stephen Harker also pointed to the “financial incompetence and mismanagement” of the previous Conservative-led administration in charge of Darlington Borough Council. 

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The Labour councillor said: “The insincerity and faux outrage that’s been expressed by Conservatives beggar belief. Let's remember the legacy that your Conservative Government left this country in - and there are parallels with what you did locally. 

“It’s an absolute mess. 

“What did you do? Clearly very little. The state of the economy has left this government in a really difficult situation. This decision has come about because the country can afford to not do so otherwise.”