Rodent droppings, “filthy” floor coverings, and open containers of chips being stored on the floor are among the issues found at a one-star hygiene inspection. 

Little Sicily, on Sedgefield High Street, was told that major improvement was necessary after an inspection on July 4 this year. 

The popular restaurant was ranked “major improvement necessary” in its management of food safety, “improvement necessary” in the cleanliness of the facilities and building, and “generally satisfactory” in terms of hygienic food handling. 

Now, the full hygiene report from the inspection has been released, detailing issues such as “dirty” floor coverings, no soap or paper towels in the main cooking area’s wash basin, and a “dirty fabric cloth” on top of the work surface in the washing up/preparation area. 

Little Sicily has since been revisited on July 18, where improvement to the cleanliness of the building was noted by inspectors. 

A spokesperson for the site said issues raised have been completed and that it is "currently waiting on a revisit from the council."

They said: "Everything in the finding has been completed and we are currently waiting on a revisit from the council.

"Customers have seen our kitchen first hand and know how we operate. We run numerous successful sites and we are just waiting to rectify the score by having a re-visit for this site."


'Debris, dirt and broken glass' behind bar

On July 4, inspectors found there were no soap or paper towels in the wash hand basin in the area where the pizza oven was located. 

In the main cooking area, it was noted that containers of food were stacked on a preparation bench with the underside of the containers in direct contact with food in the container beneath.

Meanwhile, behind the bar, rodent droppings were found in the area between the fridge and glass wash, with the floor covering being “dirty” and “debris, dirt and broken glass” noted.

Expanding foam was also being used to fill an area around the pipework between the fridge and shelving behind the bar, with areas of bare brickwork exposed to the wall covering. 

TheThe venue was told that major improvement was necessary (Image: SARAH CALDECOTT)

In the main cooking area, the floor covering beneath the cooking equipment was “filthy” and the extractor canopy/filters were in a “dirty/greasy” condition.

The cooker and the food trays were both noted as dirty areas. 

In the preparation area, where the pizza oven was located, the wall covering was “dirty/greasy throughout” and in poor repair in places. 

There was a hole in the ceiling above the pizza oven, where a wire entered into the ceiling void, and the floor covering was dirty beneath the equipment. 

In the washing up area, the wall covering was “dirty” and in poor repair in some areas, with the floor covering being dirty, particularly beneath equipment. 

The raised area of the floor covering in front of the shelving was in “poor repair and not capable of being effectively cleaned”. 

In the food storeroom, which is located in the indoor seating area, loose poison on trays had been placed on the floor in the food storeroom. 

The “dirty” wall covering was in disrepair in a number of areas in the storeroom, and the bare wood shelving was “incapable of being effectively cleaned”. 

In the cellar, there were holes in the brickwork in places and a large hole was noted in the ceiling, with the floor covering being dirty throughout. 

In the new indoor seating area, there was no door where it led to the external seating area, leaving the premises “open to pest access”. 

In terms of confidence in management, there was no documented food safety management in place at the premises. 

After a discussion at the time of the visit and a further phone call on July 9, inspectors said they were advised the business has a Safer Food Better Business pack, and that photographs would be sent of the pack - but these have not been received.

The report added: “It was evident from the conditions found in the premises that staff have not been given sufficient food hygiene training and supervision.”

Improvements made during revisit

A revisit took place on July 18, where an improvement to the cleanliness behind the bar was found. However, further cleaning was still required. 

The issue with expanding foam was raised again, as well as areas of bare brickwork. 

The loose tap to the wash hand basin in the main cooking area also needed to be repaired. 

Although the business had cleaned the wall covering in the preparation area, inspectors were informed that the intention was to redecorate the wall with washable paint.

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There was also still a hole in the ceiling above the pizza oven.

Little Sicily remains a popular venue in Sedgefield, being known for its "classic home-cooked Italian dishes" including pizza, pasta, risotto, and burgers. 

It also boasts a 4.4-star rating on Google Reviews, with praise for the "delicious" food, "accommodating" staff and "lively" atmosphere. 

  • NOTE

We have been asked to point out that Little Sicily, in Sedgefield, has nothing to do with Little Sicily Durham, in Durham City, which is has a different owner.