The new school year marks a fresh start for pupils of all ages. Smart new shoes, new haircuts and, for some, a brand-new school, mean a chance to embrace a new chapter.

For parents looking ahead to that milestone, attending a school Open Morning should be high on their to-do list. Making sure to choose a school that fits the individual needs of their child should be paramount in any parents’ mind. An independent school education can often offer that tailored experience that will ensure a child gets a truly holistic education.

“Open Mornings are such a useful tool for prospective parents”, commented Rebecca Miller, Head of Admissions at Dame Allan’s Schools. “They ensure that you get to see all of the facilities on offer at a school, meet the teachers, and ask any admissions questions that you may have - especially if you haven’t previously been involved with an independent school.

“You’ll often get a chance to speak to pupils too, which is always a lovely highlight. At Dame Allan’s, our prospective families are given their initial tours of the Schools by current pupils, so it is the ideal opportunity to see how actual pupils are getting on; they often sing the praises of the lunch options, as well as talk about their favourite clubs, classes and teachers! We’re always very proud of our tour guides.”

Dame Allan’s Schools, a collection of independent schools based in Fenham, Newcastle upon Tyne, is the only school in the North East to offer the Diamond Structure of education.

Boys and girls are educated together in the Junior School, taught separately at the Senior Schools, and taught together again at the Sixth Form. Throughout, both boys and girls socialise together at break times and in co-curricular clubs.  This unique model allows pupils to enjoy the academic benefits of a single-sex education, plus the social and cultural merits of a co-educational environment.

“It is important to consider if your child might thrive in smaller classes, or in a busier group.” advises Rebecca. “Do they have a particular passion that could be nurtured at school? For example, choosing somewhere with a thriving sports programme, would be perfect for a budding rugby star, but might not be as suited for a child who thrives off the sports pitch. It’s important to visit the school and get a feel for the environment.

“Practical matters must be factored into your decision as well. Things like transport links can make a big difference to your family’s daily routine. Some families also like to find out more about the food options and enquire about before or after-school clubs. All of this will go a long way to making sure that you find the ideal school for your son or daughter.”

Open Mornings can also help give a ‘flavour’ of a particular school. Dame Allan’s prides itself on nurturing the whole child from Play Level to A Level, supporting their academic and pastoral needs, whilst bolstering confidence via a expansive co-curricular programme with more than 200 activities to choose from. The Schools offer a wide range of co-curricular opportunities to suit all ages and tastes - from chess and dance, to the economics society and even a plant club!

“Trying something brand new is an incredible tool for helping our young people to build confidence and resilience”, added Rebecca. “It can be nerve-wracking to take those first steps, but all of our pupils are fully supported to take part in our many co-curricular opportunities. Taking part in a club is often the basis for friendships between our pupils that will last throughout their school days and beyond, which is always really rewarding to see.”

“We’re passionate about developing the ‘whole child’ at Dame Allan’s.” continued Rebecca. “Our pupils are supported both academically and pastorally to be the best version of themselves that they can be, whilst having lots of fantastic new experiences along the way.

“Our industry-leading pastoral care ensures that pupils are nurtured emotionally, as well as academically. We have a dedicated wellbeing area at both the Junior and Seniors Schools, as well as trained counsellors, art therapists, mental health first aiders, and even therapy dogs.”

Another key benefit of attending an Open Morning is the chance to see the different facilities each school has. Dame Allan’s Open Mornings at both the Junior and Senior Schools allow for an extensive tour of each site, plus the opportunity for prospective pupils to get stuck in with a range of hands-on activities. This might be discovering our outdoor education provision at the Junior School Woodland Way, trying out physics experiments in the state-of-the-art Senior School labs, creating a masterpiece in the art space, or trying out a rowing machine in the sports facilities.

Open Mornings can also be an excellent way to learn more about the admissions process, which can be particularly helpful if you are new to independent education, or your child is taking their first steps into Nursery or Reception.

“Every child is different, and so each admissions process is different too!” explained Rebecca. “My admissions colleagues and I are on hand during every Open Morning to answer questions and generally support prospective parents.”

Booking is now available for Open Mornings at Dame Allan’s Schools

Junior School and Nursery: Saturday 21 September 2024

Senior School: Saturday 28 September 2024