Three people are on trial after they left a man paralysed from the neck down when he fell from a window trying to flee a masked armed gang.

Alleged ringleader Samantha Nunn, her boyfriend Kallum Shilham, and Andrew Hobson were caught on Ring doorbell footage using weapons to smash their way into a house intent on violence, a jury heard.

The two male defendants and another male, who has never been identified, used weapons to smash the window of the house while Nunn could be heard screaming instructions and encouragement.

Teesside Crown Court heard how their 20-year-old intended target climbed onto an upstairs window ledge to escape them before plunging head first onto the pavement.

Forensic officers at the scene on Parkfield WayForensic officers at the scene on Parkfield Way (Image: TERRY BLACKBURN)

Jurors watched harrowing footage of the man falling to the ground and laying there motionless while one of the gang rifled through his pockets.

Paul Rooney, prosecuting, said: “Part of his body made contact with a wheelie bin; the impact with the ground caused immediate catastrophic injuries.

“He can be heard saying ‘help me’ before losing consciousness.”

Mr Rooney said a series of text messages were shared between Shilham and his mother in the hours following the incident.

Forensic investigators working at the sceneForensic investigators working at the scene (Image: TERRY BLACKBURN)

In one of them, the defendant wrote: “He looked dead, I don’t know if he’s alive or not. Don’t be a little grass.”

Mr Rooney said the victim was now a quadriplegic and would require round-the-clock care for the rest of his life.

The jury heard how Shilham was armed with a knife while Hobson was carrying a pool cue when they started trying to force entry to the house on Parkfield Way in Stockton in April this year.

Mr Rooney said Hobson's DNA was discovered on a pool cue recovered by police.

Jurors watched a 40-minute recorded police interview with a female friend of the man who suffered catastrophic injuries at her home.

She said: “The lass was screaming outside. They got in the house and then chased him up the stairs.

“I opened the front door and he fell straight in front of me. He said he can’t move and he was paralysed.”

The woman said there was a woman, allegedly Nunn, still outside the house and described her as having blonde hair and in her 20s.

She said she was screaming “f****** go on get him” and “he’s on the second floor”.

The witness told detectives that one of the gang went through the victim’s pockets and stole cash.

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Nunn, 33, of Sandringham Road, Thornaby, is charged with aggravated burglary and causing grievous bodily harm with intent. Jurors heard she has admitted a lesser charge of causing grievous bodily harm without intent.

Her boyfriend, 24-year-old Shilham, of Harrowgate Lane, Stockton, has denied the same charges and also admitted the lesser charge and pleaded guilty to possession of a bladed article.

The third defendant, 45-year-old Hobson, of Sun Gardens, Thornaby, has denied both charges and also denied the possession of an offensive weapon - a pool cue.

The trial continues.