A rioter who hurled vile abuse at police officers before she threw two bricks at them during violent disorder in a North East town has been locked up.

Toni Lunam was caught on police footage behaving aggressively towards officers when Hartlepool town centre was engulfed in rioting in July.

She was amongst hundreds of people who were confronted by riot police as they attempted to restore order on Murray Street before she was caught on film throwing bricks at the police line The 36-year-old was eventually arrested when she was spotted trying the door handles of a BMW parked at the town’s marina on August 29.

Teesside Crown Court heard how the defendant was effectively homeless at the time and the carrier bags she had with her on the night of the riot contained her worldly possessions.

Cleveland Police attempting to contain the rioters in HartlepoolCleveland Police attempting to contain the rioters in Hartlepool (Image: Northern Echo)

Emma Dowling, prosecuting, said: “As part of the disorder a confrontation took place on Murray Street between a mob of violent protesters and police officers equipped with defensive shields and batons.

“Abuse and objects were hurled at the officers by various members of the crowd. It is clear from the footage that the behaviour on the ground was causing safety concerns.

“Whilst the crowd was engaging in disorder, the defendant was visible on various clips. She is seen to approach the police lines aggressively, shouting and generally interfering with their efforts to contain the crowd.

“There is further footage of her throwing two bricks.”

Toni LunamToni Lunam (Image: Cleveland Police)

Lunam, of Collingwood Road, Hartlepool, pleaded guilty to violent disorder from July 31; two shop thefts on August 8 and 17; interference with a motor vehicle and possession of cocaine from August 29.

Michele Turner, mitigating, said her client was a vulnerable woman who had found herself using drugs and alcohol to ease the pain after fleeing from domestic abuse.

She added: “she hadn’t wanted to watch the footage due to her deep embarrassment and remorse for being caught up in it.”

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Miss Turner said Lunam was taking advantage of her time in custody to get herself clean of drugs and alcohol.

Judge Francis Laird KC jailed the defendant for a total of 20 months for all offences.

“At the time of these offences, you were homeless and carried your belongings in carrier bags,” he said.

“I accept that you are embarrassed and ashamed of your actions that day.”