“I RECENTLY came across this picture from my primary school days in 1960 and would really like to catch up with any of my former fellow pupils and find out how life has treated them,” says David Irvine, who now lives in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.

“The school was where Heathfield primary in Darlington is now but in the 1960s it was known as Eastbourne primary.

“The people in my class are all standing on the back row, and I am third from the right. The only others I remember are on the back row: David Brown (first from left), Pauline English (second from left), Christopher Speak (fourth from left), and Violet (second from right).

“I would very much appreciate any publicity you can provide to help me make contact.”

David can be contacted via email Dirvine1201@gmail.com or phone, 07860-397491.

Eastbourne Primary School, Darlington, 1960