The family of a young man left in a vegetative state after he was thrown from a friend’s car when he crashed while taking nitrous oxide have spoken of their heartbreak.

Harlan Moon suffered catastrophic head injuries when Mason Thornton lost control of his white BMW when he was coming onto the A19 near Billingham at high speed.

The now 25-year-old Middlesbrough FC fan requires 24-hour care and his loving family is facing up to the prospect of selling their house to enable them to bring their son home.

Thornton admitted causing serious injury by dangerous driving and supplying a psychoactive drug – nitrous oxide – better known as laughing gas or ‘smart whip’ following the devastating crash in October 2022.

Mason ThorntonMason Thornton (Image: Cleveland Police)

In a powerful victim impact statement, Harlan’s father Alan laid bare the horrifying impact his son’s injuries has had on the entire family saying they have had to ‘watch him die without dying’.

Mr Moon told Teesside Crown Court how they are facing the prospect of nursing the tradesman for the remainder of his life.

“We have the worry of being told that Harlan’s health is deteriorating and we have spent the last 20 months fearing the worst,” he said.

“Harlan had his whole future ahead of him and would often speak about marriage, children and the plans he had.

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“Our time will be helping Harlan and hoping that he will recover more each day, so that he can have some quality of life.”

Thornton, 21, of Tarr Steps, Ingleby Barwick, was jailed for a total of three years and 11 months.

Mason Thornton's wrecked BMWMason Thornton's wrecked BMW (Image: Picture: Incidents on Teesside and County Durham)

Speaking after the hearing, Senior Investigating Officer, Inspector Stephen Clyburn, said: “Today has highlighted the tragic consequences of taking nitrous oxide whilst driving; a young man with his whole life ahead of him has been left with serious injuries and will now need life-long care, changing his and his families’ lives forever.

“The aftermath of taking nitrous oxide, a class C drug, and driving can be catastrophic and I welcome the sentence handed to Mason Thornton today, though this is nothing compared to the life sentence Harlan and his family will now have to suffer.

“I hope this sends a clear message to others, particularly young drivers, that nitrous oxide is like any other drug and if you inhale it at the wheel you take a huge risk with not only your life, but the lives of others. You will be prosecuted and put before the courts.”