A hoard of disposable vapes thrown down the drains got wedged in a sewage pipe and caused a blockage.

Sewage workers called out to reports of a blockage in Darlington’s west last month were stunned to find 57 used vapes stuck in a pipe.

Northumbrian Water said the devices had become squashed together causing the blockage.

Pictures show the vapes laid out on the road after engineers found the issue and removed them, getting the pipes flowing again.

The vapes lined up after being removed from the pipe.The vapes lined up after being removed from the pipe. (Image: NORTHUMBRIAN WATER)

Vapers have been reminded to dispose of their used devices properly, and not throw them down the drain or toilet amid warnings they could explode in the sewers.

It comes after the Echo revealed police were left stumped by an unknown substance in a "red flag" vape bought from a Durham shop as part of an Echo investigation.

Simon Cyhanko, from Northumbrian Water, said: “The teams often find all sorts down in the sewers, but it’s the first time we have seen something on this scale.

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“As well as causing blockages, vapes are also possible explosive devices and have the potential to be dangerous. Thankfully though, with the hard work of our teams, they were able to be removed quickly and safely without environmental impact, and we are working to identify and educate those responsible.

“We often see things in the sewers that shouldn’t really be there, so we would like to remind customers that only paper, pee and poo go down the loo”

He added that the biggest cause of sewer blockages still is wipes, urging people to bin and not flush them.