A paranoid schizophrenic who grabbed a police officer’s Taser when she was speaking to him has been made subject of a hospital order.

Jess Pilkington managed to take the Taser from the officer during an altercation in Darlington town centre as they tried to arrest him, a judge heard.

The 28-year-old was detained under the mental health act when the Darlington man appeared at Teesside Crown Court.

Anthony Pettengell, prosecuting, said the incident had left both officers fearful that Pilkington would discharged the weapon during the confrontation on Tubwell Row on June 27, 2022.

In a victim impact statement, one officer said she was forced to hold the defendant close to prevent him from discharging the weapon against either herself or her colleague.

A police officer carrying a TaserA police officer carrying a Taser

A medical expert confirmed that the defendant was receiving help and support in a secure unit since his transfer from prison where he had been held on remand.

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Pilkington, of no fixed abode, was charged with possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence.

The court heard how Pilkington had a history of making makeshift weapons to protect himself while he was living on the streets due to state of his mental health.

Martin Towers, mitigating, told the court that his client did not have a record for violence but accepted he had a significant mental health condition.

Judge Jo Kidd imposed an indefinite hospital order to enable Pilkington to continue receiving the medical care he required.