These are a grieving mum’s touching words heard in court after her daughter’s murderer was convicted.

A judge took the unusual step to 15-year-old Holly Newton’s mum to address the court at the end of a six-week trial on Thursday which saw the teen’s killer, 17, found guilty of murder.

Mr Justice Hillard said he wanted the jury to hear more of the kind of girl Holly was before they departed after delivering their verdict.

Read more: Boy, 17, GUILTY of murdering 15-year-old Holly Newton in frenzied knife attack

Holly’s mum Micala Trussler said: “Holly was a beautiful child. As my first born she was a clingy child and never left my side, we did everything together. She grew into a funny and happy teenager who would do anything for anyone.

Holly's mum Micala Trussler speaking outside court on Thursday (August 29). Holly's mum Micala Trussler speaking outside court on Thursday (August 29). (Image: NNP)

“Looking back at the funny times with Holly makes me smile, she used to call an elbow an ‘elly-bow’ and one minute would be an avid vegetarian then the next minute tucking into a McDonalds burger laughing.

“There was nothing that Holly couldn’t do, she loved all types of sport and would give anything a go at least once.

“From a young age she fell in love with dancing, it gave her the opportunity to express herself and helped her self confidence enormously, it genuinely made her feel fearless.

“Holly’s favourite place in the world was Alton Towers, she loved to go on the biggest roller coasters and thrived on the adrenaline rush and overcoming her fears while the rest of us were terrified which she thought was hilarious.

“At school Holly was a quiet student who just go on with her work, there was never a bad report from her teachers. When Holly started at the Queen Elizabeth High School in Hexham, she felt like she belonged, she had such a small tight knit group of friends who were always there for each other.

“Holly was passionate about her family; she hated upsetting people and would do anything to make people smile.  She loved animals, her cat Maxi every morning would go to her bedroom door and meow until Holly got up to let him onto her bed, to this day Maxi still does this however Holly isn’t there to open the door.”

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Giving a tribute at Holly’s funeral last February her Auntie Gemma added: “The world is a much darker place without Holly’s light.”

Holly’s killer, who cannot be named because of his age, will be sentenced on October 31 and November 1.

He had previously admitted manslaughter but denied murder and causing GBH with intent, but was found guilty of both charges.