A former Christian missionary who groomed a young boy and sent him photos and videos of naked men has been jailed at the age of 71.

Martyn William Fryatt manipulated the child over the course of a year, sending him sexually explicit messages and images and videos of naked men and young boys.

Durham Crown Court heard that the defendant, of previous good character, repeatedly told the boy to delete the photos so that his parents would not find them.

The retired missionary and senior mental health nurse in the NHS was arrested in June last year after the boy’s shocked mother discovered the images and messages on her son’s phone, before alerting the police.

(Image: Durham Constabulary)

His phone underwent analysis by specialist officers who uncovered numerous sexually inappropriate WhatsApp messages sent by Fryatt, along with images and videos of men and young boys exposing themselves.

Fryatt, of Derwent View, Burnopfield, was charged with three counts of making indecent images of a child, and one each of possessing prohibited images of a child and engaging in sexual communication with a child.

He admitted the charges when he appeared at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates’ Court, on July 23, and the case was sent for sentence to Durham Crown Court.

His counsel at the sentencing hearing, Vic Laffey, told the crown court the defendant was aware of the “immense problems” his actions had caused, for which he pleaded guilty at the first opportunity in court.

“He’s 71 and never troubled the courts before but accepts the seriousness of the offences he has committed.

“Immediately upon arrest he began taking counselling, undergoing 29 sessions with the counselling body.

“He accepts these exchanges were completely inappropriate and disgraceful.”

(Image: Durham Constabulary)

Mr Laffey said if given the chance to work with the Probation Service to further address his issues he would act as required, “without hesitation”.

But Judge Jo Kidd said he set out to groom and manipulate the child involved, knowing fully his age, for his own sexual gratification.

She said despite having worked with vulnerable children in his professional career in the past, “it did not deter” him from targeting the victim in this case.

The judge described it as “thoroughly wicked behaviour you sought to minimise again and again.”

She said despite his attempts to undergo counselling, the offences were too serious to justify anything other than an immediate prison sentence.

Imposing a 14-month prison sentence, Judge Kidd said it would have been a 21-month jail term had the defendant taken the case to trial and “lost”.

Fryatt was also made subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and registration as a sex offender, both for ten years.

Speaking after the sentencing hearing, Detective Constable Graeme Whitfield, of Durham Police, who led the investigation, said: “Fryatt showed disturbing levels of predatory behaviour towards a young boy and groomed and manipulated him for his own sexual gratification.

“He showed no consideration for how his behaviour would have affected the child, who has shown strength beyond his years during the police investigation.

“I would also like to pay tribute to the boy’s mother, who had the courage to report her concerns about Fryatt to police.

“Fryatt is manipulative, controlling, and a danger to young children.

“This sentence and the orders imposed upon him on release will ensure that he no longer has access to children.”

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Anyone suffering sexual abuse, is urged to come forward and report it to police, either on 101, or, in an emergency, by calling 999. 

Further advice and support is available via: The NSPCC, by calling 0808 800 5000, email help@nspcc.org.uk.

Alternatively, they can visit www.nspcc.org.uk; Childline – call 0800 1111 or visit www.childline.org.uk; or, in County Durham The Meadows Sexual Assault Referral Centre - call 0330 223 0099 or visit www.sarcdurham.co.uk.