Over 900 residents aged 50 and above in County Durham have benefitted from a mental health initiative according to its organisers.

This scheme, a collaboration between Age UK County Durham and Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV), was set up following the pandemic to support the mental wellbeing of older people in the county.

It's part of a broader Community Mental Health Transformation initiative, seeking to unite health, social care, and voluntary services to improve local community support.

The service tackles a breadth of issues associated with poor mental and physical health, such as anxiety, depression, past trauma, bereavement, and domestic violence.

Robyn Holmes, chief executive officer for Age UK County Durham said: "The wellbeing and dignity of older people is central to what we do at Age UK County Durham.

"This project offers easy and flexible access to a wide range of therapies that promote improved mental wellbeing.

"Age UK County Durham are proud to lead on this innovative piece of work that continues to offer an invaluable, person-centred service to older people living with poor mental health."

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Since the scheme's launch, 959 vulnerable individuals have been identified and engaged with the service.

Of these, only 14% required additional support from secondary mental health services.

This ensures that people receive necessary support before their mental health conditions require more severe intervention.

The service offers wellbeing advice, one-on-one counselling, and comprehensive therapist support.

A team comprised of wellbeing workers, an occupational therapist, a physiotherapist, and psychotherapists collaborates to meet an individual's complete needs.

Christine Murphy, Community Service Manager for Mental Health Services for Older People at Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust said: "This project is an excellent example of how community transformation can support collaboration between voluntary and statutory services to better support the needs of older people across County Durham."

The service has numerous success stories from its first year.

One user expressed, "Thank you for all your support and for helping me figure out all the confusing things I have experienced.

"I have found myself again."

For further support, individuals can reach out to Age UK County Durham at wellbeing@ageukcountydurham.org.uk or by phone at 0191 386 3856.