Four dead puppies were found by walkers after being abandoned on a grassy ditch next to a County Durham road prompting an appeal for information from the RSPCA.

The 12-week-old Spaniel-type dogs were found on Moor Road near Staindrop on Saturday morning by a couple enjoying a stroll.

The puppies, believed to be from the same litter, were soaking wet and it is thought that they had been there for 24 to 48 hours before being spotted.

After being alerted to the situation, the RSPCA confirmed the puppies were in a malnourished state and had likely starved to death.

None of the four puppies were microchipped or wearing collars.

The RSPCA inspector handling the case, Krissy Raine said: "It was a shocking and distressing sight for members of the public to come across tiny puppies who had been callously left like this.

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"From the condition they were in we think the most likely scenario is that they became ill, didn’t receive any veterinary treatment and then possibly died of starvation before being dumped.

"I’d urge anyone who saw anything suspicious or has information about someone who had Spaniel type puppies that are now no longer with them, to get in touch."

This tragic case has sparked the charity to caution would-be pet owners to research before buying animals, to ensure the breeders are responsible.

The RSPCA have signposted guidance tool, Puppy Contract, for those considering adopting a puppy. The tool aids the identification of unethical breeders and includes a vetting checklist.

Buyers are urged to demand to see a local authority licence from the breeder and arrange for a meet with the pup, its mother, and siblings.

Those with information about the deceased County Durham puppies are requested to contact the RSPCA’s appeals line confidentially on 0300 123 8018 quoting incident number 01338030.