Young musicians from West Rainton Primary School will perform at a local residential development's launch event.

The school's steel band will take centre stage at Banks Homes’ showcase of the 150-home Cathedral Meadows in their village, held at Ramside Hall Hotel on September 5.

West Rainton Primary's steel band is a 17-member outfit made up of year three to year six students and is the only child-based steel band in County Durham.

Guided by Holly Fagin from Durham Music Service, the band has steadily grown in popularity since their debut at last year's school picnic.

They have since performed in public numerous times, including at the Durham Miners’ Gala this year.

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The school has recently invested in a proper set of steel pans embellished with the school crest, replacing their previously borrowed set.

Alison McDonough, headteacher at West Rainton Primary School said: "Our steel band is a very popular part of the school’s extra-curricular offering, and we tend to find that children who start playing very quickly become totally committed to it.

"As well as helping them develop their musical skills, being part of the steel band is teaching the children about things like teamwork, relationships and rhythm, and the confidence they get from being able to create music together is clear for all to see."

Kate Culverhouse, community relations manager at the Banks Group said: "The steel band sounds absolutely amazing and the children clearly love playing music together, so we can’t wait to see them performing at our Cathedral Meadows launch event."

The Cathedral Meadows project from Banks Homes includes 120 three-to-five bedroom family homes, along with 30 affordable housing units.

Additionally, the development will include a new play area, landscaped spaces, and public open areas.

For more details on the event or to reserve a place, contact Ramside Hall Hotel or visit the event's page on Eventbrite.

First occupants of the new homes are expected by early next year.