A Darlington barber shop celebrating a year in business is set to give out free back to school haircuts for families in need.

1950s retro barbershop Oakley's on Bondgate, Darlington, will be giving out haircuts to those in need on Sunday (September 1) - just before school starts back up once again.

The man behind the idea is 31-year-old Craig Harman who is running the day in an effort to give back to the town as well as struggling families as the cost of living crisis continues to spiral.

Craig Harman, 31.Craig Harman, 31. (Image: NORTHERN ECHO)

Craig wrote on social media: "The people of Darlington have embraced us, and now it's time to give back to this amazing community of people. Times are hard, we know this, we feel it ourselves, and we are dedicated to trying to help our town.

"So on Sunday, September 1, we're doing back to school haircuts for families who need them, absolutely free. No strings, no catches, no judgement.

Craig Harman, 31.Craig Harman, 31. (Image: NORTHERN ECHO)

"We will respond and allocate you a time slot, simply turn up on the 1st September (5 minutes early for your appointment) and we'll take care of the rest."

This is not the first time Craig has hosted a day like this - last time the team had to stop answering the phone due to "huge" demand.

"Darlington has just been a very good town to me", Craig added. 

"The way things are for people right now it's very nice to be able to give back."


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This comes as Craig and the team celebrates a year in business, which Craig admits has been a definite success.

He said: "We have had a really good first year in business - it has been a massive success. I couldn't have asked for a better year!"

Parents have been asked to email oakleysbarbershop2023@gmail.com with the name and age of their child to be allocated a slot.