A “well-balanced young man” who kicked out at a police officer and set fire to a wheelie bin during widespread disorder in Middlesbrough has been jailed for 20 months.

Louis McGrother, 22, of South View Terrace, Middlesbrough, was filmed joining in attacks on police in the town on August 4, Teesside Crown Court heard.

When footage of his offending was published by the media, he handed himself in to police, bringing with him the clothes he wore that day, said Rachel Masters, prosecuting.

Joel Wootten, defending, said McGrother went along to the protest at the Cenotaph intending only to join a peaceful protest.(Image: Cleveland Police)

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McGrother admitted a charge of violent disorder and Judge Francis Laird KC jailed him for 20 months.

The judge said he had read references from his employer, partner and mother which described “a well-balanced young man who takes his family responsibilities seriously, and who has a good work ethic”.