STUDENTS at Wolsingham School have achieved the highest number of top grades in GCSE and vocational exam results ever recorded at the school.

The Year 11 group achieved more than 225 grades at either Grade 8, 9, Distinction or Distinction *.

That represents the highest number by a cohort at the school since the introduction of 9-1 GCSE grades in 2017.

This also resulted in more than 15 per cent of students achieving a Grade 7 or above in both English and Maths, with 47 per cent of students achieving a Grade 5 or above in English and Maths.

Nick Mitchinson, headteacher at the school, which is part of the Advance Learning Partnership, said: “All the staff and governors are so proud of all our students and are delighted to see so many of our students achieve the highest grades on offer.”

Highlights at the school included Courtney Lee achieving target grades despite being in hospital with glandular fever during the exam period.

Emily Maasz O’Connell was described as a “fantastic ambassador” for the school. As well as achieving four Grade 9s and five Grade 8s, Emily’s contributions to school life included being House Captain, Form Representative, Reading Buddy, Library Ambassador, and parents’ evening volunteer.

Dale House Captain, Bonnie Gillow (pictured below), achieved 100 per cent Grades 6 to 9, while balancing a host of extracurricular activities.

(Image: Advance Learning Partnership)

Other notable performances included:

  • Harriet Mitchell – six Grade 9s.
  • Maisy Lee – exceeded target grades in almost all her subjects, in come cases by three grades.
  • Matthew Simpson – exceeded target graces in four subjects.
  • Mabile Crampsie – exceeded target grades in all her subjects, gaining eight Grade 9s.
  • Jacob Stembridge – gained nine Grade 8s or 9s.
  • Finaly Greaves Bubb – achieved four Grade 9s and five Grade 8s.