A sports and leisure club - which hosts events, concerts, quizzes and car boots - will close due to escalating costs and low footfall. 

Thornaby Sports and Leisure Club, on Tedder Avenue, announced they will shut at the start of September. 

Advertised as the "Mecca of local entertainment in the North East of England", the centre has been suffering from increases in costs and reduced footfall, meaning it is "not viable to carry on trading."

A spokesperson for the club said: "It is with great sadness to announce that we are to close our doors for the final time on Sunday, September 1.

"This decision has not been taken lightly and is with huge regret, unfortunately, due to massive increases in costs and reduced footfall it is not viable to carry on trading.

"We would firstly like to thank our staff who are a great team and always go above and beyond.

"However, our biggest thank you must go to our loyal customers (you know who you are!), for supporting us through challenging times over the last few years and it is been a great pleasure to serve you all.

"For many people in Thornaby, it has been a place to celebrate births, weddings, anniversaries and also raise a glass to loved ones who have passed.

"We hope that many of you will pop by for one last pint or two before we ring the bell for the final time."

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One sad customer said: "Amazing venue when we’ve been in to see the bands. It’s such a shame but since Covid, a lot of clubs and bars are struggling.

"I think people have just got used to drinking at home now, sadly. There’ll be no socialising before long. Such sad times."

Another added: "Had many a great nights and days in here over the years it's such a shame for all, but pastures new and all that. Good luck to all the staff in whatever you do next."