A young mother who starved one dog to death and left another close to death was living in "disgusting conditions" a judge heard.

Jamieleigh Devenport buried the black Labrador in her garden and when police arrived, they discovered floors strewn with dog faeces and an unbearable smell.

Teesside Crown Court heard how the 22-year-old looked after one of her dogs while leaving the other two starving and malnourished inside her Middlesbrough home.

Caroline McGurk, prosecuting, said: “She had three dogs but chose to look after only one dog, a terrier called Marley, but not the other two. She claimed they had access to water but admitted she didn’t feed them.

“The police were called to her house where they discovered the defendant, her children and two dogs, living in disgusting conditions, which included floors strewn with dog faeces.

“On entry, officers described the smell as unbearable.”

Miss McGurk said the Labrador’s body was recovered from the defendant’s rear garden buried in a shallow grave.

“It was so thin that every bone in its body was visible,” she said.

The Cocker Spaniel was also found to be malnourished and suffering from dehydration and at risk of imminent death.

She added: “The dog was so weak it was unable to stand without support.”

Devenport, of Woodlea, Middlesbrough, admitted causing unnecessary suffering to protected animals on December 16, last year.

Duncan McReddie, mitigating, said his client had suffered from mental health issues and was the sole carer for her grandfather.

“She never intended that a dog should be treated cruelly or that a dog should suffer,” he said.

“She understands that her conduct was wrong, she understands that people would be repulsed by what happened.

“She is ashamed and she is contrite.”

Judge Jonathan Carroll passed a six-month prison sentence suspended for 18 months after she admitted two charges of animal cruelty.

He added: “When the police attended your home they found a truly shocking state. The conditions in the home were terrible, for you, your children and the dogs.

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“You were clearly not coping with any of the circumstances or responsibilities going on in your life.

“You are suffering from depression and at times, it can be a debilitating depression.”

Devenport was banned from having animals for ten years and ordered to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work.

The judge added: “You had three dogs, you like one and utterly neglected the other two to the point that one starved to death and the other one was almost dead through neglect and starvation.”