A young actor and children’s presenter who thought his career had come to an end when war broke out in Ukraine is among those celebrating results day success.

Stockton Riverside College student, Alan Tarkil, has been offered a place at Arden School of Theatre in Manchester after a run of opportunities over the last two years has seen him both perform and have his own work read on the National Theatre stage in London.

“My college course has become my second home, and my acting team my second family,” said Alan who was just 16 when he felt compelled to flee Ukraine with his mum, sister and grandfather.

Alan Tarkil, originally from Ukraine and now studying in Stockton, has secured a place at theatre schoolAlan Tarkil, originally from Ukraine and now studying in Stockton, has secured a place at theatre school (Image: STOCKTON RIVERSIDE COLLEGE)

Rebuilding his life in Stockton and embarking on a performing arts course, he used his experiences and the stories of those he heard from back home to inspire his writing.

Last year Alan’s script was selected to be given a professional reading at the National Theatre’s New Views Festival, with the play even going on to be performed by himself and his peers at ARC Stockton.

The whole group got another chance to experience life at the National Theatre this year when they were selected from more than 250 theatre groups nationwide, to be one of just ten to perform at the National Theatre’s Connections Festival.

Now heading to Arden, Alan said: “I don’t know why, but when I got my place, I have got this feeling of deja vu, which I like to believe, means that I’m on my right path. I have so many plans and ideas. This all seems like a dream come true.”

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Looking back at the last two years, he added: “It’s actually mad to think about how much my life has changed, but I couldn’t do it on my own. I’ve always had people, who were supporting me, my tutors, in particular Kelly Fairhurst, and my best friends.

“I remember what a lost, scared kid I was in the beginning, and these people, to be honest, everyone from my course, were always with me, no matter what. That’s what you call a family.

“My life didn’t begin at Stockton Riverside College, or even in the UK, but it surely got a purpose here.”