A rugby club has been granted a licence to hold up to five outdoor events a year featuring music and alcohol.

A licensing application had been lodged by Hartlepool Rugby Club looking to host a maximum of five outdoor “sports and social events” per year on the pitch at their Mayfield Park home in Easington Road.

It sought permission to allow the events to involve the sale of alcohol and the playing of both live and recorded music between noon and 10pm, with the outdoor area being open until 10.30pm.

The application had to go before Hartlepool Borough Council’s licensing sub-committee after a representation was submitted by a nearby resident raising concerns over noise nuisances coming from rugby club users.

Speaking at the meeting, the resident said they were not objecting to the licence and praised the rugby club for their work, but added “they aren’t always good neighbours”.

The licence was ultimately approved by councillors after hearing from club representatives how events play a key part in the volunteer-led organisation’s fundraising for charities and to keep rugby free for children.

Liam Lester, representing Hartlepool Rugby Club, said: “For a lot of years we’ve put on events and successful events.

“We pride ourselves on being that community hub and people accessing us for a range of services.

“Rugby clubs and sports clubs in general, they can’t survive as just rugby clubs anymore, you’ve got to have more revenue streams.”

He added they are happy to speak and work with residents to address issues raised.

The rugby club already hosts the annual Hootenanny and beer festival at Mayfield Park, which is to return later this month after raising “between £70,000-£80,000 for Alice House Hospice over the last seven years”.