Hartlepool’s new MP has stood down from his role as a councillor on the local authority to focus on the “full-time job” of representing the parliamentary constituency.

Labour’s Jonathan Brash has resigned from his position as a councillor in the Burn Valley ward on Hartlepool Borough Council following success in July’s General Election which saw him become the town’s MP.

It means a by-election is now set to be held next month to determine who will fill the vacant role. 

Mr Brash first served as a councillor in Burn Valley for 10 years from 2006, before returning to the position in the 2021 local council elections and retaining his seat in the 2022 polls.

During his time on the council, he held positions including chair of the audit and governance committee and deputy leader of the Labour group.

In a statement posted on social media, Mr Brash said: “Being an MP is a full-time job and now that the dust has settled on last month’s General Election, it’s the right time to step down as a councillor.

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“I’ve been so incredibly proud to represent the Burn Valley ward for more than 13 years.

“In that time I’ve worked with residents to get investment into the Burn Valley Gardens, introduce numerous road safety measures, support local community groups and tackle crime and antisocial behaviour.

“It has been my privilege.”

The council has published a “notice of casual vacancy” which states on receipt of a request to fill the position, the returning officer will set a date for a by-election “to be held within 35 working days”.

Mr Brash has said he will be supporting Labour’s Owen Riddle, an NHS worker, to fill the vacant Burn Valley position and looks “forward to campaigning alongside him”.