This is the moment a woman jailed for violent disorder falls flat on her face after trying to push a burning wheelie bin at cops.

Stacey Vint, 34, was captured on video trying to shove the bin towards police with riot shields before falling flat on her face.

Appearing at Teesside Crown Court on Friday Vint, she was jailed for one year and eight months.

Vint, of Normanby Road, watched on from the public gallery as the clip was played twice to the court.

She was quickly arrested by police after her position on the ground.

Stacey Vint.Stacey Vint. (Image: CLEVELAND POLICE)

The contents of the bin were on fire and left smouldering in the street.

Prosecutor Miss Rachel Masters said Vint, who has one previous conviction for theft and received a police caution in July for battery, was found with a small amount of cannabis in her possession.

Vint, of Normanby Road, Middlesbrough pleaded guilty earlier this week to a charge of violent disorder and possession of the class B drug.

Mitigating, her counsel Mr Turton said she holds no racist views and is not “anti-police”. He said she had long-running alcohol and drug problems.

Stacey Vint fell to the floor after trying to push the bin at a line of officers.Stacey Vint fell to the floor after trying to push the bin at a line of officers. (Image: TWITTER)

He said: “One of the gentlemen, had he lit the wheelie bin or not, asked her to give him a hand and she did.”

She had been living homeless having left an abusive relationship and had moved to a hotel, Mr Turton added.

Sentencing her, Judge Francis Laird KC, said: “You chose to take part in a large scale and violent act of public disorder.”

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In a community impact statement read to the court Geoff Field from Middlesbrough Council said: “Days after the event there is worry and concern across the affected communities. We still have residents saying they are afraid to leave their houses.

“One house had small children in the living room when windows were smashed.

“Riots that took place had and continue to have a significant impact on both Middlesbrough the town, and its residents. The residents and many shopkeepers are extremely frightened by the scenes on Sunday (August 4). Some residents were physically injured, and there is also psychological trauma to those living in the affected wards.”