A man with a history of mental health issues died after taking a cocktail of drugs, an inquest heard.

Investigations were carried out following the death of Luke De Pinna, 22, who was found dead at his home in Hudson Avenue, Horden.

The inquest was conducted at County Hall in Durham on Thursday.

The coroners’ court was told Mr De Pinna had a long history of substance misuse (particularly alcohol and benzodiazepines) and had a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder.

His engagement with mental health and drug and alcohol recovery services was sporadic, the inquest heard.

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Toxicology tests showed that he had consumed bromazolam, dihydrocodeine, oxycodone, promethazine and cannabis prior to his death on March 11.

The inquest was told a post-mortem examination found the cause of death was a result of the toxic effects of Bromazolam, a class C controlled substance.

Assistant Coroner Leslie Hamilton concluded he died a drug-related death.