A couple who displayed "disgraceful" behaviour amid violent disorder in Hartlepool have been jailed.

Couple Steven Mailen, 54, and Ryan Sheers, 29, were both bitten by a police dog after shouting at officers and trying to pass a police cordon.

A judge said they placed themselves at the "very forefront of the mob" which brought violence to the streets of Hartlepool on Wednesday July 31.

Sheers cried in the dock as they were both jailed for two years and two months.

The court heard they had been at the bingo earlier that day before heading out when they found about 200 people gathered around the cenotaph, near Murray Street.

Ryan SheersRyan Sheers (Image: Clevelaqnd Police)

Both of them had tried to push through the police cordon, the court heard.

Prosecutor Miss Rachel Masters said Mailen was struck to the leg with an extendable baton.

She told the court: "This caused the defendant to back away from the crowd. As he did the police dog was deployed. The dog bit the defendant.

"PC Morrison therefore attempted to detain the defendant. As he did the radio became detached. The defendant grabbed it and tucked it under his arm."

The court heard he was again hit by the baton and kicked the officer to the shins numerous times as they attempted to arrest him. It took three officers to get him in handcuffs.

Steven MailenSteven Mailen (Image: Cleveland Police)

The hearing was shown video of Sheers shouting at officers before the police dog was deployed and bit him on the right hip/buttock area before he was arrested.

Mitigating for the couple, Mr Soppitt said Mailen, who works as a support worker and had been a school governor and postmaster, "describes his own behaviour as aggressive and pathetic".

He continued: "He was fuelled to some extent by drink. He just wanted to go home - of course, he should have left."

Mr Soppitt added that neither were associated with the far right.

For Sheers, the barrister added: "His behaviour was aggressive and disgusting.

"Emotions have run out of control. He has seen his partner brought down and bitten, he wanted to help his partner, he simply didn't think."

Sentencing the pair Judge Francis Laird KC said: "I have watched footage of the incident including what you both did. Your behaviour and the behaviour of others around you was truly disgraceful.

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"[PC Morrison] described you, Steven Mailen, as one of the main instigators of the violence. You, along with your partner Ryan Sheers were at the very forefront of the mob."

The judge added that it came amid a "backdrop of similar violent incidents across the country".

The pair are two of five facing jail at Teesside Crown Court today. Bobby Shirbon, Kieran Gatenby and Carl Holliday also fall to be sentenced.