Three rioters who contributed to shocking disorder in Sunderland have admitted their part in the violence.

Leanne Hodgson, Andrew Smith and Josh Kellett all admitted charges of violent disorder when they appeared before South Tyneside Magistrates Court on Monday (August 5) morning.

Smith, 41, of High Street East in Sunderland, wiped away tears in the dock as he was remanded in custody by District Judge Zoe Passfield.

Andrew Smith.Andrew Smith. (Image: NORTHUMBRIA POLICE)

Prosecutor John Garside said he was identified “throwing an object at officers before a police dog has bitten him”.

The judge said he “involved yourself in pre-planned violence wearing a balaclava to avoid being identified which shows that you attended that scene fully prepared to engage in unlawful activity.”

Forty-three-year-old Leanne Hodgson of Holborn Road, Sunderland was filmed pushing a wheelie bin at lines of officers, the court heard.

Leanne Hodgson.Leanne Hodgson. (Image: NORTHUMBRIA POLICE)

Her defence counsel Annalisa Moscardini said: “She has gone out earlier that day, she is not involved in the original march.

“There has become a point where they have closed the pubs, she has been very drunk.”

Meanwhile Josh Kellett, 29, also known as Josh Major of Southcroft in Washington, also admitted being part of the violence. The court heard he was wearing a balaclava but was identified due to his “distinctive tattoos”.

Josh Kellett, also known as Josh Major.Josh Kellett, also known as Josh Major. (Image: NORTHUMBRIA POLICE)

All three were remanded in custody pending appearances at Newcastle Crown Court on September 2.

Brian Gilby denied violent disorder but admitted a charge of burglary after taking vapes from a vape shop.

Defence counsel Heather Bolton said: “He was not part of violent disorder. He was out socialising with friends.”

South Tyneside Magistrates Court.South Tyneside Magistrates Court.

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Two others, Shaun Doran, 48, of Villette Road in Sunderland and 31-year-old Clinton Morrison of Saint Barnabus Way in Sunderland, both pleaded not guilty to charges of violent disorder.

The judge said both cases were too serious for the Magistrates Court as she remanded them in custody pending hearings on September 2.

It comes after violent scenes in Sunderland on Friday as rioters clashed with police as they marched through the city.