Plans to turn the basement of a retail outlet in Durham into an HMO have been lodged with Durham County Council.

The construction proposals were submitted by XTRAVAGANT LIMITED through Envision Design Group to renovate the lower ground floor of the Silver Street property.

Currently, the ground floor of 37-38 Silver Street operates as a branch of the burrito chain Tortilla, with the upper floors used for residential purposes.

The planning application, if approved, aims to repurpose the basement of the outlet into a three-bedroom apartment, accommodating four people.

The Planning Application Form, lodged under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, details the plans.

It states a desire to "convert the lower ground floor to form three studio apartments," complete with double-glazed uPVC windows to match the upper floors.

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It assures no alterations to existing vehicle or pedestrian access points or impact on trees, hedges, or biodiversity.

According to the Design and Access Statement provided by Envision Design Group, the proposed internal modifications include the addition of new windows and alterations to existing ones.

Apart from structural changes, the application also addresses waste management and safety concerns, promising four 240-litre bins as part of the refuse strategy.