Large scale disorder has broken out in Middlesbrough as violent anti-immigration demonstrations continue across the country.

A car has been overturned and burned, missiles have been thrown at police and property and several arrests have been made in violent clashes between officers and rioters.

Police turned out in numbers today (Sunday, August 4) as plans for a gathering at the Middlesbrough Cenotaph in the town's Albert Square circulated on social media.

After a short while, the crowd - estimated at more than 300 - began to march into the town centre, carefully marshalled by scores of police officers.

At first, everything seemed relatively peaceful, although there were some minor scuffles and chants of "we want our country back” as they made their way through the city centre.

At one point police used dogs to keep the group back and stop them breaking through and running ahead of the officers patrolling the march.

At least two people were taken away in handcuffs within the first half hour, while several pieces of slate were thrown, along with vapes and full plastic bottles.

Police detain a man as violence breaks out in MiddlesbroughPolice detain a man as violence breaks out in Middlesbrough (Image: owen humphreys)

Some people kicked bollards into the road so that police vehicles driving ahead of the group could not get through, and one man sat on the bonnet of a police car to stop it from moving.

The mob broke free of the police guard after 3pm and businesses locked their doors and pulled down the shutters.

One group of protesters in Middlesbrough walked through a residential area smashing the windows of houses and cars.

One person threw a piece of broken glass through the window of a home.

A scuffle broke out between protesters and a small group of people whose cars were smashed.

(Image: PA)

A woman shouted “you fascist thugs” while a man who was with her shouted at police: “You’re letting them rampage through the city.”

Burning wheelie bins were pushed at a line of police officers with shields, leaving the road strewn with smoking rubbish.

Cleveland Police said “a number of arrests” have been made since the the gathering started at around 2pm.

Crowds have now largely dispersed, but a car was set on fire in Parliament Road, a short distance away. There were reports of another vehicle being set alight.

The Prime Minister said: “There is no justification, none, for taking this action. And all right-minded people should be condemning this assault of violence.

“People in this country have a right to be safe. And yet we’ve seen Muslim communities targeted, attacks on mosques.

“Other minority communities singled out, Nazi salutes in the street, attacks on the police, wanton violence alongside racist rhetoric, so no, I won’t shy away from calling it what it is: far-right thuggery.

“To those who feel targeted because of the colour of your skin or your faith, I know how frightening this must be.

“I want you to know that this violent mob do not represent our country, and we will bring them to justice.

Read more:

Middlesbrough LIVE: Rioters using burning bins to attack police

What I witnessed in Hartlepool will live long in the memory

How the violence in Sunderland unfolded as mob turns violent

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“Our police deserve our support as they tackle any and all violent disorder that flares up. Whatever the apparent cause or motive, motivation, we make no distinction: crime is crime, and this Government will tackle it.” the Prime Minister said: “Be in no doubt, those that have participated in this violence will face the full force of the law.

“The police will be making arrests. Individuals will be held on remand, charges will follow and convictions will follow.

“I guarantee you will regret taking part in this disorder, whether directly or those whipping up this action online and then running away themselves."