A man who admitted having a shotgun for his own protection following alleged threats to his safety has been locked up.

Jesur Ucarer had two shotgun cartridges hidden in a drawer while a stab vest and large sheath knife were also recovered when police raided his mother’s home.

The 30-year-old had moved into her property after he was the victim of vicious assault and hid the weapon under the bed so he could use it for his own protection, Teesside Crown Court heard.

Charles Thompson, prosecuting, said the defendant initially told police that he was looking after the shotgun for someone else but later admitted his true intention.

He said: “The defendant made the admissions that he had the firearm and the cartridges in order to defend himself from unknown individuals who had made threats against him.

“These individuals were supposedly searching for the defendant.”

Jesur UcarerJesur Ucarer (Image: Cleveland Police)

Ucarer, of Cassop Walk, Stockton, pleaded guilty to the possession of a shotgun without a firearms certificate, at an earlier hearing. He has a previous conviction for the possession of a lock knife in a public place.

Michele Turner, mitigating, told the judge that her client had moved into his mother’s home for his own safety and had bought the shotgun as a means of protecting himself from the unnamed threat.

She said: "Repeated threats have been made and he was visited while he was waiting for surgery following that attack. His fear was such that he felt this was his only option to remain safe.

“There is no suggestion that this weapon was brandished, there is no suggestion that this defendant went out looking for retribution, or anything of that nature."

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Judge Richard Bennett sentenced Ucarer to two years in prison after he admitted in his pre-sentence report to having the weapon for his own protection.

“The shotgun was capable of being fired. It had been modified to remove the stock, to make it more portable,” he said.

“On your own admission, this firearm was to be used for criminal purposes - to threat or cause fear for those seeking to cause you harm.

"Your probation report shows that you fail to understand the seriousness of this offence of possessing weapons and seek to blame others."