Managers of a train station in County Durham have been asked "urgently" to increase safety measures following the tragic deaths of three men. 

Glenn Jacques, Ben Whiteman, and Callum Clark have all died after a being struck by trains travelling through a station in County Durham since January of this year. 

In each case, the person is reported to have put himself into the path of the train by "deliberate, intentional action", senior coroner Jeremy Chipperfield has written in a Prevention of Future Deaths report.

Now, rail provider Northern has been asked to "take action" as "there is a risk future deaths could occur". 

Though inquests are yet to be undertaken into the three deaths, Mr Chipperfield has outlined his concerns.

Tributes left to Ben Whiteman, who died in June. (Image: Picture: SARAH CALDECOTT)

He said: "In response to a Prevention of Future Deaths Report dated December 2018, which followed a death by suicide at the concerned railway station, Northern stated that 'the station does not classify as a hot spot under British Transport Police’s definition which is used nationally to focus the work of cross industry working groups. Such locations are defined as having three or more suicides/attempted suicides in 12 months.'

Most read: 

"The incidents referred to herein took place within 12 months.

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"In my opinion urgent action should be taken to prevent future deaths and I believe you or your organisation has the power to take such action."

A spokesperson for Northern said: “We are in communication with HM Coroner to support their investigation into three separate incidents in County Durham that very sadly led to three people losing their lives.

"As the coroner’s investigation has not yet concluded and the inquest is yet to be heard, it would be inappropriate to comment any further at this time.”

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