Here are some of the most serious offenders who faced justice at Teesside Crown Court in July.

The cases include sex offenders, a cannabis farmer and violent thugs from across the region who have been locked up.

Steven Cruickshanks

A violent thug who launched a drink-fuelled attack on his parents has been jailed after they were reluctant to let him return to their home.

Steven Cruickshanks launched the brutal attack on his parents when he became aggressive after returning to his temporary home after boozing in the pub.

The 43-year-old punched his father repeatedly before turning his violent attention to his mother who he slapped and punched to the ground in a flurry of blows.

A judge adjourned sentence to allow time for police to check with the defendant’s parents whether they would be willing to let him back into their Darlington home.

Steven CruickshanksSteven Cruickshanks (Image: Durham Constabulary)

Cruickshanks, formerly of Lazenby Close, Darlington, pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm and assault by beating following his attacks on June 6 this year.

Judge Nathan Adams sentenced Cruikshanks to 14 months in prison after the defendant’s parents said they would let him into their home as a ‘last resort’.

He said: “I understand that at the time you were on bail for unrelated matters and the people who stood by you throughout all of this were your parents.

“They agreed to let you return to their property without any financial support and they were the ones who supported you through those difficult times.

“You repaid them on that night by resorting to violence."


Davide Sardu

A man was convicted of sexual assault after he kissed a teenage girl against her wishes leaving his victim traumatised.

Davide Sardu touched the girl’s cheek before leaning in to kiss her face but she managed to turn her head so he ended up kissing her just below the ear.

Teesside Crown Court said the 45-year-old still does not accept that he sexually assaulted the girl but does admit that he has an alcohol problem.

The Italian national was serving a community order at the time of the offence after he brought part Darlington to a standstill while carrying a kitchen knife in the street and posting a live video of himself on social media.

Davide SarduDavide Sardu (Image: Picture: THE NORTHERN ECHO)

Sardu, of Bondgate, Darlington, was found guilty of sexual assault at trial due to his behaviour on September 14, 2022.

Jon Harley, mitigating, said his client still did not accept that he sexually assaulted the teenager but conceded that he did have an alcohol problem.

Judge Timothy Stead sentenced Sardu to an 18-month community order, told him to attend 25 rehabilitation activity requirement days and carry out 150 hours of unpaid work.

“You continue to deny it,” he said. “It has been very upsetting indeed for the young complainant, she was 16 at the time, she has lost her confidence and is disturbed at the thought of encountering you again.”

Sardu was also issued with a five-year sexual harm prevention order and told to sign on the sex offenders’ register for the same period of time.


Karl Smith

A pervert who engaged in sexual activity with a child on at least ten occasions before violently attacking her has been locked up.

Karl Smith took advantage of the significant age gap as he groomed the vulnerable teenager to carry out his sexual abuse which only came to an end when he physically attacked her.

The 32-year-old also set his dog on the victim and strangled her when she tried to end their ‘relationship’, Teesside Crown Court heard.

Paul Cleasby, prosecuting, said the pair started a consensual sexual relationship but Smith had targeted a vulnerable child and there were some elements of grooming.

Karl SmithKarl Smith (Image: Durham Constabulary)

Smith, of Quin Square, South Hetton, County Durham, was found guilty of two charges of sexual activity with a child, assault occasioning actual bodily harm and intentional strangulation following the incidents a few years ago.

Judge Richard Bennett sentenced Smith to a total of ten years for all offences as he told the defendant his behaviour contained elements of grooming.

“On the first occasion, you pressured her into having sexual intercourse but she accepted that it was consensual. What developed was a sexual relationship between the pair of you,” he said.

Smith was also made subject of an indefinite sexual harm prevention order and was ordered to sign on the sex offenders’ register for life.


Metin Ucarcan

A man who repeatedly assaulted his partner for two weeks after his release from prison is back behind bars.

Metin Ucarcan punched and choked the woman on several occasions while he tried to rekindle their relationship after serving his sentence for burglary.

Teesside Crown Court heard how the 32-year-old’s abusive behaviour pushed the woman to the brink of killing herself.

Ryan Donoghue, prosecuting, said the complainant had broken their relationship off with Ucarcan was locked up two years ago but it restarted when he was released in May this year.

He said the defendant repeatedly tried to contact her and would throw stones at her windows to get her attention and on one occasion struck her to the head with one before his behaviour became more violent.

The court heard how Ucarcan grabbed the woman by the throat and pushed her into a car when they became embroiled in an argument in the street on May 6.

Mr Donoghue said the defendant attacked the woman again on May 26.

The lawyer said one another occasion following the funeral of the victim’s grandfather Ucarcan took the woman to a field where he treated her like a dog, hit her with a mobile phone and encouraged her to jump off a bridge.

Metin UcarcanMetin Ucarcan (Image: Durham Police)

Ucarcan, of Hewitson Road, Darlington, pleaded guilty to two charges of battery, intentional strangulation, criminal damage and coercive and controlling behaviour throughout May.

Recorder Thomas Moran jailed Ucarcan for a total of two years and eight months for all offences after he had driven the woman to the brink of suicide.

“You were harassing her since your release from prison, repeatedly contacting her and attending her home shouting and screaming,” he said.


Daniel Murphy

A ‘pathetic’ man who attempted to rob his victim after pushing him out of his wheelchair before rifling through his pockets has been jailed.

Daniel Murphy had spent the day drinking with his victim before they headed to a secluded area in a churchyard where he left his victim sprawled on the floor.

The 29-year-old threw the man’s shoes away before leaving the area emptyhanded with the man forced to crawl across the floor in a bid to get help, Teesside Crown Court heard.

A judge heard how the incident had left the victim traumatised and shocked at the way he had been treated.

Olivia Randell, prosecuting, said Murphy was caught on CCTV leaving Tubwell Row in Darlington through Church Lane before sitting with the complainant near the memorial in St Cuthbert’s Church yard.

Reading from the victim’s impact statement, Ms Randell said: “The incident left him very angry and in tears. He was left feeling sore after being pushed from his wheelchair.

“The defendant had no right to touch him and only a pathetic person picks on someone with a wheelchair.

“The whole encounter left him feeling embarrassed.”

Daniel MurphyDaniel Murphy (Image: Durham Constabulary)

Murphy, of Gladstone Street, Darlington, pleaded guilty to the attempted robbery on May 29 this year.

Judge Christopher Smith branded the 29-year-old’s behaviour ‘particularly mean’ as he locked him up for four years.

He said: “You pushed from his wheelchair to the ground and as he lay there, you rifled through his pockets.

“You turned him over, literally, so that you could search the pockets on the other side of his clothing. You found nothing, which is why it is an attempted robbery.

“As you left, leaving your victim helpless and alone on the ground, in a particularly mean act, you took his shoes and threw them away."


Jonathan Knox

A violent thug repeatedly stabbed a woman when she bravely went to intervene while he attacked his partner.

Jonathan Knox was spotted dragging the woman into the street before the Good Samaritan immediately ran over to help when her partner pulled their car over.

Teesside Crown Court heard how the 30-year-old said ‘is this what you wanted’ before he started attacking her with a knife.

The woman’s actions were described as ‘brave’ when she tried to help before the blade was turned on her as Knox attacked his partner in Shotton Colliery on December 6 last year.

Shaun Dodds, prosecuting, told the court that the woman suffered a punctured lung and lacerations to her neck and shoulder following that attack on December 6 last year.

The court heard how Knox committed the offence while he on court bail awaiting sentence for a burglary and theft of a car from New Year’s Day 2022 on Spearman Walk, Hartlepool.

The defendant told police that ‘he was off his head on drugs’ and couldn’t remember the incident.

Jonathan KnoxJonathan Knox (Image: Durham Constabulary)

Knox, of Potto Street, Shotton Colliery, County Durham, pleaded guilty to wounding with intent, burglary, and theft of a car.

Anthony Davis, mitigating, said his client had longstanding problem with prescription drugs and was under the influence of them at the time of the offences.

Judge Nathan Adams sentenced Knox to a total of four years and nine months for all offences.

“I reject any notion that you were acting in self-defence,” he said. “There was nothing about the situation that could have led you to believe that you were under attack."


John Lewis

A man whose life spiralled out of control following the death of his father and breakdown of his marriage landed himself in court after he turned to drink and drugs.

John Lewis harassed his former partner and assaulted her when he flew into a drunken rage when she refused to speak to him.

The drink-addled 39-year-old then brutally attacked a friend who had taken him in when he tried to intervene in a fight in his home.

Teesside Crown Court heard how the man lost two teeth and suffered a broken nose and ribs when the heavily-built defendant turned his fury on his friend.

Paul Newcombe, prosecuting, said the defendant’s 20-year marriage broke down as a result of his excessive drinking.

The court heard how Lewis then turned up at her home on Christmas Eve whilst heavily intoxicated and started headbutting the window when she told him to leave her alone.

Less than two weeks later, the defendant delivered the brutal beating to his friend when he tried to stop him attacking a third person.

John LewisJohn Lewis (Image: Cleveland Police)

Lewis, of Fosdyke Green, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to common assault and harassment of his former partner between December 22 and 24 last year. He also admitted causing grievous bodily harm on his friend from January 5.

Judge Jonathan Carroll sentenced Lewis to a total of 45 months for all offences.

“You followed her, you set about her with a gratuitous, physical assault. You were pushing her and dragging her to the floor before pinning her to a wall,” he said.


Stewart Tuck

Justice has finally caught up with a child rapist after his first victim forward several years after they were sexually abused.

Stewart Tuck carried out the attacks when he was in secondary school himself.

The 24-year-old was initially reported to Cleveland Police in October 2022 when it discovered he’d been watching gay pornography featuring males who purposely appeared to be underage.

Teesside Crown Court heard how he was watching the videos while he was looking after very young children.

Tuck was arrested and interviewed by specialist officers from the force’s CAVA Team (Child Abuse and Vulnerable Adults) then bailed to allow further enquiries to take place.

Further evidence came to light that Tuck was also responsible for rape and serious sexual assaults on a young child more than a decade earlier.

Stewart TuckStewart Tuck (Image: Cleveland Police)

Tuck was subsequently charged with numerous offences including rape of a child, assault of a child by touching, engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child and indecent images offences.

Judge Jonathan Carroll passed an extended prison sentence of seven-years-nine-months. He was jailed for four-years-and-nine-months; and he will be under an extended licence for three-years, after he is released from prison.

Tuck pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual assault of a child under 13; three counts of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child; two counts of rape of a child under 13; and causing a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity.

He also admitted a charge of taking an indecent image of a child and possession of indecent images.

Tuck, of Wheatley Road in Stockton, was issued with a restraining order and will be placed on the sex offenders’ register for life.


Clayton Holmes

A booze and drug-fuelled man who pulled out a large machete and threatened a taxi driver as his friend tried to calm down the situation has been locked up.

Clayton Holmes had spent the previous night drinking and taking cocaine before hopping in the taxi his friend had ordered, Teesside Crown Court heard.

The 26-year-old took exception to the driver having in-cab video surveillance before pulling out the ‘evil’ looking knife and thrusting it towards the man’s face and demanding he stop the car.

Footage from inside the vehicle showed Holmes's friend telling him to put his knife away before everyone got out of the cab.

Charlie Thompson, prosecuting, said the defendant became agitated with the driver and started shouting at him.

He said: “The defendant said - ‘Here you, here you bruv, stop where you’re going now’. He then pulled out a large machete from his jacket and pointed it at the driver’s face and demands that he turns the vehicle off.”

Clayton HolmesClayton Holmes (Image: Cleveland Police)

Holmes, of Eastland View, Cargo Fleet Lane, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to threatening behaviour with a bladed article in public and criminal damage following his arrest on June 29 this year.

Recorder Taryn Turner sentenced Holmes to 20 months in prison for both offences.

“When entirely unprovoked you pulled out the most vicious and evil looking weapon – a large machete – from inside your coat,” she said.

“You pointed that machete towards the face of the taxi driver demanding that he turn the vehicle off – I can quite understand why he was genuinely in fear for his life.”


Oresti Shpata

An Albanian cannabis farmer has been locked up after he was arrested for a second time when a drone captured a large heat source coming from the roof of a terraced house.

Oresti Shpata was originally arrested in Lancashire before coming across country and ending up in Middlesbrough town centre where he was again caught tending a cannabis farm.

The 32-year-old was caught in March 2022 when police raided a property in Accrington when his attempt to flee police by running along the roof of a row of houses ended when he was found in nearby allotments.

Paul Abrahams, prosecuting, told Teesside Crown Court how Shpata was arrested in Middlesbrough when police spotted a suspicious heat source at the property whilst using a drone.

Oresti ShpataOresti Shpata (Image: Cleveland Police)

Shpata, of Outram Street, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to two charges of production of a controlled drug namely cannabis.

Nicci Horton, mitigating, said her client had been forced to work in the cannabis farms to repay the £22,000 debt he accrued entering the country illegally.

Judge Timothy Stead jailed the Albanian national for a total of 16 months and warned him he would be returned to his homeland when he is released.

He added: “The quantities of plants in each house were substantial. Commercial quantities were involved in both cases but your role was the least role because of pressure or threat upon you.”


Jason Hackett

A dangerous driver who drove off with a man hanging out of his window before reversing his vehicle at speed into his car has been locked up.

Jason Hackett reacted angrily when he was confronted about concerns he was driving "while intoxicated" after he stopped at an ice cream parlour next to a North East beach.

The 30-year-old’s driving was captured on CCTV as he carried out a series of dangerous manoeuvres after the man tried to take the keys of his car’s ignition, Teesside Crown Court heard.

The footage showed the defendant driving away with the man hanging through the window before he fell to the ground on The Front, at Seaton Carew, last year.

Robin Turton, prosecuting, said Hackett then made a highly dangerous manoeuvre as he reversed at speed and rammed into the family’s car while one of the man's grandchildren was sitting inside.

The court heard how Hackett was already serving a prison sentence for offences committed after the dangerous driving incident, including for charges of robbery, attempted robbery and burglary.

The defendant also had three previous convictions for dangerous driving offences.

Jason HackettJason Hackett (Image: Cleveland Police)

Hackett, HMP Durham but formerly from the Stockton area, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving from April 2 last.

Nicci Horton, mitigating, urged the judge to take into consideration that her client was already serving a lengthy jail term as he sentenced him for his dangerous driving.

Judge Jonathan Carroll said the incident was ‘a bad example of dangerous driving’ after watching CCTV of the aftermath of the row in Seaton Carew.

He said: “As he was leaning into your car, you drove off and it was but for the grace of god that he didn’t fall under your wheels.

“You then manoeuvred your car so that you would have a good opportunity to reverse at speed into the front of his car whilst his grandchild remained in the car.”

Hackett was sentenced a further 12-months in prison and banned from driving for a total of 41 months.


Daniel Coates

A jealous thug acted like a ‘man possessed’ as forced his way through a hedge before throwing rocks at his ex-partner’s new lover has been locked up.

Daniel Coates repeatedly ignored the conditions of his restraining order to protect his former partner before turning up at a field where she ran her business.

The 38-year-old took his top off before challenging the man to a fight and chasing around the field whilst throwing rocks at him.

Teesside Crown Court heard how the off-shore worker then drove off in his Audi before returning to the scene and trying to run the pair over.

The male victim told police that the defendant appeared to be under the influence of drugs when he attempted to attack the pair in January this year.

Judge Francis Laird KC sentenced Coates to a total of 25 months in prison for his campaign of harassment against his former partner.

“You went into a rage,” he said. “You were described as behaving like a man possessed and those that saw you said you were under the influence of drugs.

“You stopped your vehicle, got out, removed your upper clothing and you began to shout that you wanted to fight the man.

“You told him you were going to kill him; you forced you way through some bushes into a field and began to chase him while throwing bricks in his direction.”

Daniel CoatesDaniel Coates (Image: Cleveland Police)

Coates, of Coverdale, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, two charges of breaching a restraining order, driving whilst disqualified, driving without insurance and a public order offence.

Michele Turner, mitigating, said: “The defendant, at no time seeks to blame either of these complainants.”

Coates was made subject of two seven-year restraining orders to protect both victims and banned from driving for three years.