An armed robber who threatened two woman with a large knife before stealing cash and a handbag has been branded a dangerous offender as he is locked up again.

Mark Harvey was cycling around Middlesbrough town centre looking for women to target to fund his cocaine addiction.

The 30-year-old pulled out a large knife before he robbed his first victim minutes after she left a McDonald’s takeaway with his child and started to walk home, Teesside Crown Court heard.

The repeat offender then targeted his second victim 30 minutes later as she walked home from the shops – again brandishing the knife to threaten his victim.

Jenny Haigh, prosecuting, both robberies had left the defendant’s victims terrified after he thrust the large knife towards them.

Dealing with the first robbery, she said: “The defendant approached her on his bike, he reached around his waist area and pulled a knife out. She said she wasn’t sure how big it was because she was in complete shock.

“He pointed the knife at her daughter and her and demanded she hand over her purse, saying – “Give me your purse before I kill you’.”

The court heard how the woman threw £6 on the floor towards the defendant and ran away as he picked the cash up before escaping after flagging down a passing taxi.

Miss Haigh said 30 minutes later Harvey approached his second victim and pulled out his knife before demanding she hand over her belongings.

She added: “He cycled towards her and he pulled out a sword, pointing it at her stomach and saying - ‘Give me everything you have or I'll kill you’.”

The woman handed over her bag of groceries, her phone and her purse.

Mark HarveyMark Harvey (Image: Cleveland Police)

Harvey, of Devonshire Road, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to two counts of robbery and one charge of possession of a bladed article following the events of May 12 this year.

Vincent Ward, mitigating, said his client had a long history of drug addiction and could be quite volatile at times.

He added: "He is someone who will react impulsively in the most stupid way. If he is sent back to prison for a long period, that would give him the opportunity to work on his drug addiction."

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Judge Christopher Smith passed an extended prison sentence as Harvey was considered a dangerous offender.

“Both of your victims have been left extremely frightened by this nighttime robbery they were subjected to,” he said.

“You have threatened three females with a blade. Your previous offending - where you targeted lone females - is a significant aggravating feature here."

Harvey was jailed for seven and a half years and told he would serve a further four and a half years on extended licence.