A County Durham MP has today (July 26) condemned the abuse directed at a member of her staff.

City of Durham MP, Mary Foy, confirmed her office was the subject of an “incredibly abusive” phone call, and added any such contact will be reported to police.

She added she welcomes “constructive debate” for those who wish to genuinely speak on a topic.

Ms Foy asked anyone calling her office to show her staff the respect they show all constituents.

She said: “Yesterday, a member of my team received an incredibly abusive phone call to my constituency office.

Most read:

“Let me be very clear, while I understand not everyone will agree with my political views, the way I vote, or the causes I support, I will always welcome constructive debate and give time to those who wish to legitimately speak to me about a topic that is important to them.

“What I will not tolerate is aggression or threats toward my team, my family, or myself whether in person, online, by letter or over the phone. Any such contact will be reported to the police immediately, as yesterday's has been.

“Please remember that my team are here to support you, they will always go above and beyond and I'd ask that they are shown the same level of respect that they show all constituents in the City of Durham.”