Plans to convert a County Durham church hall into a residential building have been withdrawn before Durham County Council made a decision.

The application proposed the partial demolition and conversion of Rose Hall, a former church hall on Lydia Street, Willington, which retains much of its original character.

The decision to withdraw the application was issued on July 24.

The proposal would have seen part of the old church hall demolished and the remaining structure converted into a dwelling.

It also included plans for additional pitched roof areas, a parking area, fences, and boundary treatment.

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Case Officer, Chloe Robinson said: "The proposal includes demolishing the front half of the hall, which would change the site’s character."

The report also highlighted potential harm to the hall's original character from the late 19th/early 20th century.

"The proposal would significantly alter the site’s legibility and character, causing substantial harm to the hall’s significance.

"The heritage statement does not justify the works adequately, and the proposal conflicts with relevant policies due to the loss of the historic building's character".

The planning application, received on February 15 and validated on April 16, was submitted by Mr. Christopher Donkin, with Mr. Steve Copeland acting as the agent.