The jury in a hit-and-run murder trial is expected to retire and consider its verdict as the case nears a conclusion.

Martin Breeze and his son, Shaun, are accused of murdering Brian Darby and seriously injuring three other people when the father deliberately drove his van into a group of friends.

The 57-year-old has admitted causing death by dangerous driving following the fatal collision in February this year but denies he ever intended to seriously injure or kill anyone.

His 29-year-old son denies pointing the group out to his father after he had been involved in an innocuous row with them as he rode past them as they walked home from the pub.

Brian DarbyBrian Darby

Teesside Crown Court heard the closing speeches from the prosecuting counsel and the barrister for the two defendants.

Nick Dry, prosecuting, said the father and son had ‘weaponised’ the van as they mowed the friends down minutes after they left the 3 Rivers bar in Ingleby Barwick.

He told the jury that it was the prosecution case that Shaun Breeze encouraged his father throughout as he deliberately targeted the friends.

Peter Makepeace KC, representing Breeze Snr, said his client lost control of the van as he drove to pick up his son while in a drug-fuelled haze.

He said lying about the van being stolen was ‘disgusting’ but did not prove the father-of-four’s guilt to murder.

The van at the scene of the alleged murder of Brian DarbyThe van at the scene of the alleged murder of Brian Darby (Image: TERRY BLACKBURN)

And John Elvidge KC, representing Breeze Jnr, said client had not been driving the van at the relevant time so could not have deliberately killed or seriously injured anyone.

He added that the 29-year-old could not have predicted that his father would lose control of the van before ploughing into the group of friends.

The judge, Mr Justice Jacobs, told the jury that he will conclude summing up his evidence in the morning (Thursday, July 25) before sending them out to consider their verdicts.

Police cordon in place of the alleged murder of Brian DarbyPolice cordon in place of the alleged murder of Brian Darby (Image: TERRY BLACKBURN)

Martin Breeze, 57, of Irthing Close, Ingleby Barwick has pleaded not guilty to 11 charges.

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He denied the murder of Mr Darby, the manslaughter of Mr Darby, four charges of attempted murder, and four charges of attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent.

Shaun Breeze, 29, of Owls Grove, Ingleby Barwick, has also pleaded not guilty to the same set of charges.

The father and son are also charged with an additional offence of perverting the course of justice, which they both deny, after reporting the van stolen to police.

The trial continues.