A jealous thug acted like a ‘man possessed’ as forced his way through a hedge before throwing rocks at his ex-partner’s new lover has been locked up.

Daniel Coates repeatedly ignored the conditions of his restraining order to protect his former partner before turning up at a field where she ran her business.

The 38-year-old took his top off before challenging the man to a fight and chasing around the field whilst throwing rocks at him.

Teesside Crown Court heard how the off-shore worker then drove off in his Audi before returning to the scene and trying to run the pair over.

The male victim told police that the defendant appeared to be under the influence of drugs when he attempted to attack the pair in January this year.

Judge Francis Laird KC sentenced Coates to a total of 25 months in prison for his campaign of harassment against his former partner.

“You went into a rage,” he said. “You were described as behaving like a man possessed and those that saw you said you were under the influence of drugs.

“You stopped your vehicle, got out, removed your upper clothing and you began to shout that you wanted to fight the man.

“You told him you were going to kill him; you forced you way through some bushes into a field and began to chase him while throwing bricks in his direction.”

The judge said Coates initially left the scene in his Audi before returning before the police arrived.

He added: “You drove at speed towards the man, he describes you as swerving in a dangerous fashion before turning the vehicle and he took it to be a deliberate act and had to jump into a hedge to avoid being struck.

“You then drive the vehicle towards your ex-partner, mounted a grass verge and swerving away from her at the last minute.”

Daniel CoatesDaniel Coates (Image: Cleveland Police)

Shaun Dryden, prosecuting, said the couple’s relationship had broken down as a result of the defendant’s use of cocaine when he was home on leave.

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He said the male victim described Coates as a ‘man possessed’ when he took off his top and challenged him to a fight when he was confronted by him while working in the field.

Coates, of Coverdale, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, two charges of breaching a restraining order, driving whilst disqualified, driving without insurance and a public order offence.

Michele Turner, mitigating, said: “The defendant, at no time seeks to blame either of these complainants.”

Coates was made subject of two seven-year restraining orders to protect both victims and banned from driving for three years.