A Darlington sales executive has raised hundreds of pounds for a mental health charity at a boxing event.

Sam Finkill, a sales executive at Drive Motor Retail Darlington, raised £420 in support of the ‘Men Who Talk’ charity after participating in the Ultra White Collar Boxing (UWCB) fight match at The Fed in Gateshead on July 6.

He fought off his opponent triumphantly in the first round, knocking him out to win the match.

"It’s been a great opportunity to be part of this initiative and raise money for a charity that is close to my heart," Mr Finkill said.

(Image: UWCB)

"I appreciate the support from my colleagues at Drive, Chris, Dan, and Jeff, who were very accommodating and ensured I made it to all my training sessions and relevant events leading up to the night."

‘Men Who Talk’ is a registered charity focused on improving the mental health and well-being of men across the UK.

It was established in January 2022 and provides a supportive online community for men aged 18 and older.

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Jeff Parkin, general manager at Drive Darlington said: “I am delighted that we were able to sponsor Sam at the charity boxing match, and it was great to hear Drive being read out as part of Sam’s entrance.

"It means a lot to us that we can give back to our community, and it’s great to see our staff getting involved in initiatives like this.”

The UWCB event has reportedly raised over £30 million for charity by more than 280,000 fundraisers through over a million donations.