It was like looking in a mirror for Chuckle Brother Paul when he met his bus driving doppelganger.

John Simpson has been being compared to the ChuckleVision star for years, and even gets stopped in the street for photos.

The 58-year-old was first likened to the kids’ TV legend about five years ago, and not a day goes by without someone commenting on his likeness.

The bus driver from Gainford, County Durham, met Paul Elliott at the Fishburn Live festival in County Durham last month where the latter was doing a DJ set.

John and Paul... but which one is which?John and Paul... but which one is which? (Image: JOHN SIMPSON)

“My wife saw the advert for Fishburn Live and treated me as an early birthday present. Paul was on last with his DJ set.

“I’d tweeted him to say I’d be there but it wasn’t planned to meet him.

“I was at the front of the crowd and the compere spotted me straight away.

“One person came up and asked me when I was on!

Paul Elliott and John Simpson.Paul Elliott and John Simpson. (Image: JOHN SIMPSON)

“We went around backstage – it was brilliant.

“We were talking a little about Barry. He was saying how he still misses him, I said ‘he wasn’t just part of your double act he was your brother’.

“I was over the moon because last time I saw him we didn’t have much time.

John has met Paul, 76, before when he and late brother Barry performed in pantomime at the then-Civic Theatre in Darlington in 2014. But back then no one had clocked the resemblance and the pair parted ways without anyone batting an eye.

John with Paul and Barry Elliott back in 2014, before anyone clocked John's resemblance.John with Paul and Barry Elliott back in 2014, before anyone clocked John's resemblance. (Image: JOHN SIMPSON)

This time the pair posed for a photo, both showing off their spiked hair and bushy moustaches.

John is so like Paul that even comic Bernie Clifton mistook him for the Chuckle Brother, and one elderly lady sat down on his lap after asking him for a photo.

Last week a ITV’s This Morning showed side-by-side comparison of Paul and John with host Alison Hammond amazed by their likeness.

“It started off with my bus passengers. Then a friend of mine put a photo of Paul laughing next to a photo of me and it went from there,” John added.

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“I don’t know if I’ve just got more like him as I’ve got older.

“Barry’s birthday is on the same day as our wedding anniversary. I would have loved him to have been around while this was happening.”

The Chuckle Brothers guest edited The Northern Echo’s Christmas Eve edition in 2013. Barry died in August 2018.