A dangerous driver who drove off with a man hanging out of his window before reversing his vehicle at speed into his car has been locked up.

Jason Hackett reacted angrily when he was confronted about concerns he was driving "while intoxicated" after he stopped at an ice cream parlour next to a North East beach.

The 30-year-old’s driving was captured on CCTV as he carried out a series of dangerous manoeuvres after the man tried to take the keys of his car’s ignition, Teesside Crown Court heard.

The footage showed the defendant driving away with the man hanging through the window before he fell to the ground on The Front, at Seaton Carew, last year.

Robin Turton, prosecuting, said Hackett then made a highly dangerous manoeuvre as he reversed at speed and rammed into the family’s car while one of the man's grandchildren was sitting inside.

He then drove the car away at speed as he fled the scene following the seaside town row.

The incident left the man with post traumatic stress after Hackett caused thousands of pounds of damage to his vehicle.

The court heard how Hackett was already serving a prison sentence for offences committed after the dangerous driving incident, including for charges of robbery, attempted robbery and burglary.

The defendant also had three previous convictions for dangerous driving offences.

Jason HackettJason Hackett (Image: Cleveland Police)

Hackett, HMP Durham but formerly from the Stockton area, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving from April 2 last.

Nicci Horton, mitigating, urged the judge to take into consideration that her client was already serving a lengthy jail term as he sentenced him for his dangerous driving.

She added: “He has accepted this offence on its merits.”

Judge Jonathan Carroll said the incident was ‘a bad example of dangerous driving’ after watching CCTV of the aftermath of the row in Seaton Carew.

He said: “Your behaviour was such that he was concerned that you were intoxicated and unfit to drive.

“He asked you not to drive and said he would arrange for you to get a taxi to help you out. You refused to listen and became abusive.

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“He tried to take your car keys to prevent you driving in that state – you then set about the most appalling dangerous driving.

“As he was leaning into your car, you drove off and it was but for the grace of god that he didn’t fall under your wheels.

“You then manoeuvred your car so that you would have a good opportunity to reverse at speed into the front of his car whilst his grandchild remained in the car.”

Hackett was sentenced a further 12-months in prison and banned from driving for a total of 41 months.