A long-standing car repair garage in Stanley has been bought by two of its employees after the owners decided to retire.

Autoservice, a fixture on Beamish Street for more than 45 years, was previously ran by Fred and Mary Elder and has now been bought by father and son team, Michael and Paul Wears.

The two were previously employees at the garage for a combined 38 years and have saved five jobs with their purchase.

Michael Wears said: "I am delighted to become the new owner of Autoservice, and I am fully dedicated to maintaining and exceeding the exceptional service and reputation that this garage has earned over the years.

"We are set to invest in new machinery and technologies, so that our customers can enjoy an even more enhanced level of quality and professionalism."

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Former owner Fred Elder, who sold the business to retire, said: "Selling the business was a significant decision for Mary and myself, but one that is right for us and our family as we embark on enjoying our retirement.

"I am delighted with the successful outcome.

"We were keen to protect the jobs of our employees and I have watched Michael and Paul work over many years and know that they are the best choice to take the business forward."

The sale was facilitated by Clarke Mairs Law Firm and valued and prepared by Robson Laidler Accountants.

Stephen Willis, senior client manager at Robson Laidler, said: “Fred and Mary have been valued clients of Robson Laidler for many years.

"It has been a pleasure to witness their business growth and to see them achieve a successful sale."