Syphilis cases in County Durham reached a record high last year, new figures show.

The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV said the "worrying trajectory" of rising diagnoses of sexually transmitted infections across England is a sign of unmet needs for those who require sexual health care.

Figures from the UK Health Security Agency show there were 68 syphilis diagnoses in County Durham in 2023.

It was up from 58 the year before and the highest since local records began in 2012.

Meanwhile, there were 521 gonorrhoea diagnoses in County Durham in 2023 – down from 527 the year before.

Professor Matt Phillips, president of BASHH, said: "We find ourselves at a critical point for securing the viability of sexual health services.

"The worrying trajectory of new STI diagnoses is a sign of increased unmet needs for those who require sexual health care, particularly those in minoritised communities and those who might prefer face-to-face services.

"It underlines the need for a long-awaited and much-needed strategy for sexual health."

He added the new Government has an opportunity to "change the tides" and address recruitment and funding challenges to improve access to sexual health and wellbeing expertise.

The Local Government Association, which represents councils which have responsibility for commissioning sexual health services, said the figures show the Government should implement a 10-year sexual health strategy.

There were 3,012 STI diagnoses last year in County Durham – up from 2,680 the year before.

Of the diagnoses last year, 1,701 (56%) were chlamydia.

Richard Angell, chief executive of Terrence Higgins Trust, said the figures show a year-on-year increase of STIs and demand for services.

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He added the Government must commit to a national strategy and funding that "sets a clear direction for improving sexual health in England".

Dr Hamish Mohammed, consultant epidemiologist at the UKHSA, said: "The best way to reduce your risk of an infection is to use a condom consistently and correctly with new or casual partners."

He added: "The NHS provides free, confidential STI testing to detect any potential infections and prevent you passing them on to others."