Dr Henry Kippin, CEO of the new North East Combined Authority, has been awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Civil Law from Northumbria University.

Born in London and raised in Gateshead, Dr Kippin worked in international development and the social enterprise sector and in 2008 he was asked to manage the cross-party Commission on 2020 Public Services.

As an Executive Director at the West Midlands Combined Authority from 2017, Henry was responsible for its work in public services, wellbeing, inclusive growth, climate change and digital. He was also part of negotiations with the Government to secure the future powers and resources needed for the authority to deliver on its strategic ambitions for the region.

In 2020 he returned home to the North East as Director then CEO of the North of Tyne Combined Authority. During his tenure, he worked with colleagues to navigate the region through the pandemic and through recovery, developed the biggest devolution deal in the country, and helped create the conditions for 10,000 jobs underpinned by newly devolved skills budgets and ambitious housing and transport plans.

Dr Kippin worked with Government and the Leaders and CEOs of the seven North East local authorities, to bring the devolution deal for the North East to fruition.

Henry has authored widely on devolution, public services and political economy, including as co-author of Public Services: a new reform agenda – published in 2013 by Bloomsbury Press.

Dr Kippin said: “I am really delighted and humbled to receive this honorary doctorate. Collaboration has always been important to me, and it is a privilege to have made a difference working alongside so many brilliant and committed people. Our universities are so important to delivering devolution and I am honoured to become part of the Northumbria alumni family today”.