The Met Office has projected that Darlington will be hotter than Mexico City on Friday as a 'mini heatwave' is set to sweep the nation.

Basking in the heat, Darlington is forecast to enjoy warmer weather compared to the usually hotter Mexico City.

Here is the full forecast for Friday in Darlington and Mexico City.


Temperature: 15°C to 26°C
Weather: Sunny intervals turning to partly cloudy by night time
Precipitation: Low chance of rain
Wind: Light, coming from the south and south west

Mexico City

Temperature: 15°C to 23°C
Weather: Sunny intervals changing to cloudy by lunchtime, with light showers in the afternoon and evening
Precipitation: Likely light showers
Wind: Light, coming from the north east

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The UK, particularly London and the South East, is also due for a taste of summer's heat, with mercury possibly hitting 30°C this week.

A sharp contrast to the first half of July, which experienced high rainfall, with some areas like England registering 97 per cent of the month's average figures.