A man has been ordered to have his pitbull terrier-type dog destroyed after it attacked and killed another dog in its own garden. 

David Robinson, the owner of the dog involved,  was also ordered to pay compensation and made subject of a community order, following the incident in Redcar

A 19-year-old Plummer terrier was killed when a dog identified as a Pitbull terrier type attacked it in its own garden in Ramsey Road, in Redcar, magistrates were told.

The Pitbull terrier-type dog reportedly escaped and got into the garden of a neighbouring property and killed the Plummer terrier on February 12.  It was seized by police and was found to be a banned breed.

Robinson, 52, of Westfield Court, Dormanstown, Redcar, appeared at court on Wednesday, July 10, charged with having a dog dangerously out of control and possession of a fighting dog (prohibited dog).

The court ordered the destruction of the dog and Robinson was given a community order, 15 days of rehabilitation activity. He was also ordered to pay £400 compensation, £85 costs and £114 victim surcharge.

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PC Chris Lambert said: “This is a case which has sadly resulted in the loss of two dogs, which is always a traumatic experience for any owner.

“Any incidents such as this resulting from the possession of a prohibited breed of dog can expect to be put before the courts, as is necessary to protect our communities.”