A woman who harassed her estranged husband when she learned he had a new partner has landed herself in court.

Andrea Gold made numerous posts on social media branding her ex-partner a ‘cheater’ before letting herself into his home and smashing a picture frame while he was in the shower.

The 51-year-old, who had been married for more than 30 years, was confronted by her ex-partner about her behaviour when he came downstairs on November 29 last year.

Her partner says he has been left feeling like a 'leper' and is now suffering from depression as a result of her campaign of abuse.

Ms Gold, of Byerley Road, Shildon, pleaded guilty to a charge of harassment without violence between November 11 and 29, last year, when she appeared at Newton Aycliffe Magistrates’ Court.

Magistrates heard how Gold repeatedly posted comments on social media branding her former partner a cheater before the harassment came to a head when she entered his home uninvited.

In a victim impact statement submitted to the court, the complainant wrote: “The harassment I have been subjected to by my ex-wife has had a profound impact on me in many ways, made worse by the fact that after 31-years of marriage I could never have predicted she would treat me this way.

“Due to the abuse and lies she posted about me on social media, I feel my reputation in the local area has been destroyed. I was always well-respected and got on well with everyone I met.

“People with whom I used to be friendly, females in particular, treat me like a leper as they have believed all the disgusting things that Andrea has said about me.

“Due to the harassment, I have had to move house which has had a massive impact on me financially as I have had to buy a new home in order to feel safe.

“Despite this, I still feel like I am living my life constantly looking over my shoulder as I genuinely don’t know what Andrea is capable of.”

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Adam Scott, mitigating, said his client was of previous good character until the breakdown of her marriage and she accepts she overreacted when she learned of his new relationship.

He added: “It has been devastating for her to come to court and admit what has gone on. She doesn’t play down that behaviour - she is ashamed of it.”

Thomas Reay, chairman of the bench, fined Gold £400 and ordered her to pay £245 towards court costs.

Gold was also made subject to a 12-month restraining order to protect her victim.