Key figures in the North East have been reacting positively to news that there will be increased devolution under the new Labour government.

King Charles ran through a number of Labour's key priorities including an English Devolution Bill to give more powers to metro mayors.

The announcement also outlined plans to give mayors control of their local bus services.

The King said: "My Government believes that greater devolution of decision making is at the heart of a modern dynamic economy and is a key driver of economic growth and my Ministers will introduce an English Devolution Bill [English Devolution Bill].

"Legislation will be introduced to give new powers to metro mayors and combined authorities. This will support local growth plans that bring economic benefit to communities.

"A Bill will be introduced to allow local leaders to take control of their local bus services [Better Buses Bill]."

Ben Houchen, the Tees Valley Mayor, described the early signs from the new Labour government as "positive".


He said: "I was pleased to see the Government recommitting to devolution in England and proposing more powers, funding and autonomy for Mayors. 

"So far the Prime Minister is making the right noises around growing the economy and backing Mayor’s and areas like ours to be at the centre of this plan. 

"From our Airport, to the job creation at Teesworks, to the investment in the industries of the future, this Government seems to understand how important they are to bringing growth to our economy. 

"Of course we must hold the Government to account but we must also be grown up enough to work with them when their plans have the potential to improve things for people across our country. 

"The devil is in the detail, but the early signs are positive in relation to more money and more powers for our area and I look forward to working with the Government to bring jobs and investment to Teesside, Darlington, and Hartlepool."

The new North East Mayor Kim McGuinness described the plan as "a real opportunity" for the region.

(Image: Northern Echo)

She said: "This is an ambitious King's Speech that speaks to the needs of the North East and sets out a plan for handing us more control of our own future - the biggest change we have seen in generations.

"That work to take power out of London and back to the North East starts now, and I'll always push Government to go even further and be even more ambitious. But with measures such as the English Devolution Bill and the Council of Regions and Nations we see a Government dedicated to the reforms we need to grow our North East and create the real opportunity we want to see.

"With buses and railways coming back under public control we'll see a real change in how transport works in this country, with new house building powers we can usher in a new era of social and affordable green housing, and with Great British Energy we can turbocharge our offshore energy sector and create thousands of jobs for people in this region.

"When I was elected mayor I set out to end child poverty. With measures such as breakfast clubs and the investment in new teachers here we see the path to a better life for thousands of children, particularly when coupled with the solid commitment to taking direct action in our region."

Henri Murison, Chief Executive of Northern Powerhouse Partnership, said: "Today, the new government has recommitted to the first part of new line that along with upgrades to Hull and Sheffield will transform connectivity across the Pennines unlocking Liverpool to Newcastle.

(Image: Northern Echo)

"From Manchester Picaddily we will still need further powers to complete the line into Yorkshire, as well as from Huddersfield to Bradford, but this Hybrid Bill continuing is what needed to happen next in legislative terms and we have every confidence that the incoming government will work constructively with both civic and business leaders on this crucial agenda."

John McCabe, chief executive at the North East Chamber of Commerce, said: "Devolution presents a key opportunity for the whole of the North East. Having more decisions made locally with more control over funding will help to drive stronger, fairer growth.

"We welcome the government’s approach to putting a more ambitious standardised devolution framework into legislation to give local leaders greater powers over the levers of local growth.

"More decision making in the region allows better engagement with businesses and communities, as well as the opportunity for our combined authorities to grow our region's economy, including in key sectors such as energy, transport and skills, as well as tackling key issues around poverty.

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"We also welcome the announcement of enhanced powers over strategic planning, employment support as well as the Local Growth Plans. This will be key to creating inclusive growth in the region.

"These local plans will feed into a national industrial strategy which could put in place a framework to unleash the pent-up ambition of British business to grow the economy.

"We know that devolution is an ongoing process, and we need to see the government work with the region’s mayors on the powers they need to deliver growth locally. We look forward to working with both mayors in the region to deliver on a stronger, fairer North East."