A persistent drug dealer who was caught with an imitation firearm has been locked up for more than seven years.

Jack Towes was arrested on three occasions over a two-year period with stashes of crack cocaine, cocaine and cannabis, ready to sell to users.

The 30-year-old was initially arrested after he was spotted pointing a handgun into the face of a young man during an argument in the street.

Two witnesses were forced to move out of his way as he sped past them on his motorbike as he headed towards the armed confrontation, Teesside Crown Court heard.

Peter Sabiston, prosecuting, said: “The male witness saw the defendant holding a Glock-style handgun by his side; however, he raised it and pointed it directly at one of the other males.

“Someone tried to calm the defendant. Fearing his safety, he called the police.”

The court heard how police raided Towes home and recovered three weapons, cannabis and cocaine on June 21, 2020.

Mr Sabiston said Towes was arrested again on June 15, 2021, when he was discovered to be in possession of cocaine and cannabis after police used a stringer to bring a Mercedes car to stop after the driver tried to flee through Middlesbrough.

Towes' third arrest happened on August 27, 2022, when he was found in possession of crack cocaine, cocaine and cannabis, when police searched a property where the tenant had been ‘cuckooed’ by a drugs gang.

Mr Sabiston said the defendant’s fingerprints and DNA linked him to the address.

His final arrest took place after he stopped while driving dangerously in a stolen car. Towes reached speeds in excess of 60mph as he tried to evade capture whilst driving around the streets of Middlesbrough.

Jack TowesJack Towes (Image: Cleveland Police)

Towes, of Downside Road, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to two counts of possession of cocaine with intent to supply, three counts of possession with intent to supply cannabis, one of count of possession with intent to supply crack cocaine, possession of an imitation firearm, possession of a firearm when prohibited from doing so, careless driving, possession of cannabis sweets, and several motoring offences.

Nicci Horton, mitigating, said her client had been trying to turn his back on his drug dealing past before his last arrest on April 27 this year for the motoring offences.

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She said: “That seems to be the culmination of his involvement within that lifestyle as he starts to detach himself away from it.”

Judge Richard Bennett sentenced Towes to seven years and six months in prison for all offences.

He said: “It is clear that over several years you were a persistent dealer of drugs at a street level.”

Towes was also banned from driving for 57 months and ordered to pass an extended test before taking to the roads again.